I know, that nothing can compensate 4x12 , but what a deal, I can´t have it now
..I don´t have my own car, as soon as my father will decide to change to combi.. I´ll switch to 4x12 immediately
I study yet university in Prague and I have no reason to have my own car yet, I don´t need it ... so its the reason...
but thanks a lot... I´ll go to some 2x12 .. but only a questino..I heared, that diezel cabs are more cleaer and better in articulation in bass and at all than MesaBoogie. Any experience? I´m only worried, If the Mesa can handle the bass of my VH4
... so if so... Diezel will be better for me, cause I wanna to be heared in any situation ... thats why I am trying
EVM12L thiele..cause, I thaught, that EVM are wery clear in articulation... but not so warm sound on low wolumes, I agree
... so big dilema for me
And my experience is that the VH4 needs
VC30 .. but I didn´t hear everything yet
so any more tips are welcome
And I heared about thiele with C90.. and maybe, they are really so good.. I only heared just best replyes on them
and I am not just only metal player, I like stuff like Hendrix, Zeppelin, Alice in Chains and Pearl Jam (the most.. I love this band, I grow up on their music..it´s the heart thing, you know