Midi Programming my TriAxis and Intellifex

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rayneman
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Well-known member
I do!

MIDI into the Tri, then MIDI THROUGH to the MIDI in of the Rocktron.

Then you need to create PROGRAMS. Starting with Program 1 (or whatever number you choose) assign a clean PRESET to PROGRAM 1. Then, make preset 1 on your Rocktron a reverb preset. Thus, when you hit the '1' switch on your MIDI controller, it calls up the Triaxis clean program (1) AND the preset 1 on the Rocktron.

Then you'd assign the clean preset to PROGRAM 2...and make the preset 2 on your Rocktron the reverb + chorus + delay. So forth and so on. You end up assigning alot of the same triaxis tones to different programs, but this is how you get the rocktron to call up the different effects.

The midi signal from the controller will go through the triaxis and to the rocktron.

Anyway, this is how I did it.
SgtThump":838a6 said:
Thanks Tim! After I started this thread, I thought about it and ended up doing exactly what you said. lol! I thought there was a way for me to map one button on the midi controller to select program 1 on the Rocktron and program 15 on the TriAxis with one click. That's the way I was thinking ,but the way you and I do it is much easier. :)

Can you even do what I was thinking or is that not possible? I thought that's how alot of people did it?

I would imagine its possible, but I haven't the slightest idea how to do it...that gets into the areas of MIDI stuff that scare me somewhat!