Mixing G12K100 with Greenbacks...?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hartmut
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Yesterday I tried my Diezel FL Cab loaded with G12K100 together with a Hughes&Kettner Greenback cab. The Mix was very nice! Did anyone try this mix in one cab? Is this possible? I think the Greens are 25 Watt and the G12K100 are 100 Watt... Changing speakers is new to to me so any advice is welcome :)
look up some wiring schematics of 4x12 guitar cabinets... they are very helpful with proper speaker ohms and wiring setups! i think avatar cabinets website has some helpful schematics that you can use. See what ohms all your speakers are and if they can work in that configuration for how you want your cabinet wired.
You will only have a 100 W cabinet then (4 x weakest speaker) - just to keep in mind ;-)
So I´ll have to try (and hopefully not error...) :D But I have another question: the Diezel-Cab is front-loaded and the Greenback cab is rear loaded. Is there no proplem with the mounting of the speakers? I think that there is some cellular material between the cab and the speaker. Is this removable?

Thank you all for your help! I´ll check it out!
On my Diezel 2x12 FL cab, I mixed w G12K 100 with 1 V30 and it sounds amazing!

Never tried a greenback. Sounds like it is a good mix as well!
So I finally did it. Switching the two speakers was very easy. Just a little soldering but after 15 minutes it was all done. At first I played a lot of clean stuff at high volumes for the speaker break-in. After about 20 minutes I started with trying different settings in all channels. The funny thing about this is that I ended up with the first three channels all settings near by 12 o´clock. :D Only channel four got the treble at 3 o´clock and mids at 1:30 (Deep and Presence at zero).
The sound is very balanced now! Very nice mids, no shrill highs and round bass. Very pleasing to the ear! The cab with only the G12K100 was a little bit too dark and there was missing a little bit of midrange. This is definitely a step into the right direction for my sound :)
Hey Hartmut, freut mich zu hören, dass es dir gefällt!

Ich bin von den Mischbestückungen (spiele ne 4x12 fl mit G12K100 und V30) ebenfalls begeistert :rock:

Unsere CD ist übrigens mittlerweile fertig und am 8.1. rocken wir das Stadtfinale von YourGig in Aachen - wäre cool, wenn du mal vorbei schaust und uns unterstützt :thumbsup:
Zwei Demos findest du hier: https://www.myspace.com/veilofillusion
Und falls du eine Erinnerung magst, kannst du dich hier in unseren Newsletter eintragen: http://www.veil-of-illusion.com/

Besten Gruß, Dom
Hey everybody...

Nice go read about mixing up Speakers in Diezel Cabs. I also tried to mix V30 with Eminence M12. The result summed up in one word: awful! Totally muddy and I got undefiened Sound. I couldn 't even hear my guitar, normally my Einstein cuts throuh well.

So I decided to write an Email to Peter S. and he answered as quick as ever.*Thank-you;)* and told me about advantages and problems of the combination of V30 and G12K-100... He wrote, that you may have problems to locate your guitar, if you play with two guitar players. But it sounds like natural compressed ...
I would like to test, but don' t like to buy only for testing...