Module phasing - can anybody confirm / deny ?

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Have been working on a stereo modular rig and noticed I was getting some strange phasing when running certain modules in parallel... that prompted me to fire up Sonar and do a little "science project". Basically I recorded a dry guitar track into Sonar then re-amped it into every module, returning it to Sonar via the MOD50's serial loop send. In general, the high gain modules appeared to be in phase with the input signal while low gain modules appeared to be out of phase with the input signal. Here are the details:

IN PHASE: ERECT A/B, SL2 A/B, MHG A/B, EG34 A/B, EG5 A/B, Salvation MarkUs (was an Ultra)

OUT OF PHASE: BMAN A/B, SL A/B, VX A/B, COD A/B, TD A/B, JTM (single), Randall KH1, Randall Blackface, Voodoo Express Deluxe (was a Blackface)

DEPENDS: Salvation StonerVerb (was an XTC) appears to be out of phase when clean and in phase when distorted

Given this wasn't the most well engineered science project (basically relied on looking at the waveforms in Sonar vs doing any technically-savvy audio analysis) - has anybody else tried this? Consistent / inconsistent with your findings?

The "high gain" modules are typically in phase while the lower gain ones are out of phase. This really is unavoidable because the high gain modules have 4 stages of gain (each one inverts the phase) while the cleaner modules only use three stages.