Mr Scary guitars

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I like that headstock design. I feel like I could use a coat hanger for a guitar stand for those.
He’s been making these for years. Headstocks are atrocious.

There’s no way he’s making the necks. He’s likely having them made where many other big brands you like are. Wildwood Manufacturing makes them for TONS of guitars we all like.

I assume he’s not running his own CNC machines so expect someone’s making the body blanks then he does the routing for the “stripes”.

If he’s smart then he’s going that anyway.

Maybe he’s doing the paint himself?

I love GL but no way I’d pay $8k for these. I don’t care who’s assembling them.
He’s been making these for years. Headstocks are atrocious.

There’s no way he’s making the necks. He’s likely having them made where many other big brands you like are. Wildwood Manufacturing makes them for TONS of guitars we all like.

I assume he’s not running his own CNC machines so expect someone’s making the body blanks then he does the routing for the “stripes”.

If he’s smart then he’s going that anyway.

Maybe he’s doing the paint himself?

I love GL but no way I’d pay $8k for these. I don’t care who’s assembling them.

I'm surprised people are paying that amount for them. I don't want to bash the guy, but they don't look very good to me.
I'm surprised people are paying that amount for them. I don't want to bash the guy, but they don't look very good to me.
I like the reverse Fender headstocks, but agreed on the headstocks he's doing, they look terrible.
Probably getting everything from ESP.
It wouldn’t be a surprise. I’m sure with his long running relationship with them they’d build him parts if he’s willing to pay for them.
I'm surprised people are paying that amount for them. I don't want to bash the guy, but they don't look very good to me.
Yeah his name is obviously helping the price tag. Just not for me.
I inquired

My wife, friends, and I got quite a laugh out of this :


Hell, I can build entire guitars from scratch and I’ve been asked to make necks for other companies.

No thanks 🙂↔️
Each to their own and all that. GL is one of my favorite players and I love blowing money on gear, but I'd never cough up 12.5k for one of those. It is cool that he assembles them a hobby for.himself. Assembling my own version, maybe that's something I'd try,...10 times over and certainly before spending 12.5k.
Chris Woods did a sick J.Frog bones replica for him. If I to guess Chris does his parts too. That is 100% speculation on my part.
He’s been making these for years. Headstocks are atrocious.

There’s no way he’s making the necks. He’s likely having them made where many other big brands you like are. Wildwood Manufacturing makes them for TONS of guitars we all like.

I assume he’s not running his own CNC machines so expect someone’s making the body blanks then he does the routing for the “stripes”.

If he’s smart then he’s going that anyway.

Maybe he’s doing the paint himself?

I love GL but no way I’d pay $8k for these. I don’t care who’s assembling them.

Necks I think yes are made elsewhere and he does his thing to them. I think a lot of builders do that. Bodies I thought he both cut and / or modified. Paint jobs he does from what I can see on Instagram. ( some more successful than others) A lot of the value he perceives comes from his time but also down to small things like the trem or the saddles or the knobbies and wiring. He likes to put a lot of one off parts on his guitars to personalize them. Some of the snake skin stuff or routed and burned stripes stuff is cool but the headstock design does kind of suck. I think he will also do more standard headstocks and reverse headstocks though.

If you are paying that price for a guitar, you know it's because you are a fanboy and have money to burn. Probably a lawyer by day types. Anyway Jer, we are waiting for your road worn super strat line. Standard trem but relic'd. The " J-Rockz" line.
It wouldn’t be a surprise. I’m sure with his long running relationship with them they’d build him parts if he’s willing to pay for them.

Yeah his name is obviously helping the price tag. Just not for me.
He must be eating that Peyote in the Arizona outback.

12 grand is IN PHUCKING SANE
If anyone here was crazy rich and a superfan of a guitarist, they would certainly pop big for a guitar "created" by their guitar hero. I so wanted one of the guitars or amps the wife of Jeff Hanneman auctioned off. I'd sell most of my gear for one specific (fairly unknown) washburn outta Dimes vault. 7k doesn't seem too bad to me for something special from a guitarist that had a major influence on someone.
As long as people are willing to buy them why wouldn't he keep building them? Even though George is one of my favorite players , I would never drop that kind of money on one. I'm just glad to see that he's healthy and still making music.