Multimeter Leads

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joeytpg
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You can use those, just make sure you won't touch anything else inside. 500 Volts !!!!

Or order crocodile leads from your electro-shop.
hmmm I'll order some croc. leads... I don't wanna hurt myself.

I just have to grip the crocos to the "wire soldering" right? - the metal part where the wire's inserted
Just try to get some croco leads with adequate diameter. I recently ordered some and they were ridicously thin. I measured some 0,5Ohms across them that can mess up your readings depending on what you are trying to measure. Moreover you are dealing with 500V in a tube amp, you want to have GOOD insulation there!
I just unsoldered the wires from the crocos and used my spare telfon wire instead. 1000V insulation and VERY low resitance.

I've been searching for while for some crocs leads, can't seem to find any...... anyone got any website to order them?
Have you ordered the tubes already?

Send Dirk of Tubetown an email and buy his bias adaptor (14 Euro if I remember). Thats a DIY kit, and you will build yourself an adaptor a la biasrite. Its easy. And safe.

Let me know if you won't be able to solder that yourself and I'll make/build you one. The adaptor then goes into the DMM (and replaces your current leads/wires). You have all the time to read the mA and adjust your bias.
oh my, does that mean I don't have to connect the crocos to the wires int eh OT?

I just have to plug the new tube to that bias probe and connect both leads ?

how does this work? It says there:

"Service your poweramps fast and easy: a simple bias-probe for use with any voltage-meter ! Just plug in the bias-probe between the powertube and the tube-socket, messure the idle current and setup the bias - that's all.

To operate this prove a voltage meter is needed, which is not included

This probbe is for all EL34, 6L6, KT88, 6550 and similar tubes

This probe is assembled and ready to use"

plug the bias probe between the powertubes and the tube socket? that part I don't get..... I'll setup the bias through the normal trimmer right? with the screw driver....

sorry for my ignorance, but It's better to ask and have everything clear before I kill myself. :thumbsdown:
- take tube out
- stick adaptor in
- stick tube into adaptor
- hook adaptor to DMM
- switch amp on
- read current
- adjust bias
- done
oh great, I get it now... the picture only shows where the tube goes into, it doesn't show that you have to insert the adaptor into the tube socket! :D hehehe

by the way, can I adjust the bias to an individual tube?
Dude - you need to buy a Weber Bias Rite or something similar. We don't want to be scratching around on here in a few days going, "anybody hear from Joey lately"? :confused:
steve_k":2woevbw4 said:
Dude - you need to buy a Weber Bias Rite or something similar. We don't want to be scratching around on here in a few days going, "anybody hear from Joey lately"? :confused:


Seriously, if you don't know what you are doing it's not worth it.
I don't think Joey needs a BiasRite (cool unit nonetheless).

- its expensive
- with just one bias pot and matched sets one adaptor is enough
- he already has a DMM
I think I ca do this..... hell I could do it in the old fashion way (like it says on the Diezel site), but since there's that confortable adaptor, then I don't have to connect the crocos to the OT wires, so it's way safer.

so, one last question Olaf, you say I only need one adaptor but the tubes are biased in pairs (which I bought a 2 pair of KT77 - total of 4 matched tubes. How can I bias the "pair" when I only have one adaptor?

Thanks for caring Steve.......... you can keep my Einstein (since you got a Vh4 already) if I fry myself :lol: :LOL:

Olaf, you can take my Vh4 :D
You'll get 4 matched tubes, so reading the current for one of them is enough.
alright Sr., you are again my savior!

I'm ordering that right now! :thumbsup: