Music store morons : Rant

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again with this
again with this
New member
I have to get this off my chest...

There is this music store near where I work. I should know not to go in there, but sometimes the draw to stroll through and look is overpowering. It usually takes about a year for the last bad experience to fade enough to go back in there. EVERY time I go in there, it's bullshit.

Yesterday's bullshit...

I am in there, and I ask this fuckhead, who I think is the manger, if they had something in stock. It doesn't really matter what... The point is I know what I asked for exists. I have seen it online, and was trying to find one "in stock" somewhere 'cuz I am cheap and don't want to pay shipping...

First, he hands me something totally different from what I asked for, then when I re-expalin, he tells me, "they don't make that. That's why you're having trouble finding it..." And then said I'd have to make what I wanted. What a fuckstick. I even gave him the part number... and he made this big production about calling another store or something to verify it's existence.

I can't beieve that numbnut is the manager...

So, I was not going to mention names... But the hell with that.

AVOID MUSIC UNLIMITED IN DUBLIN CALIFORNIA! Unless you enjoy geting the run around and overpaying.

Just one man's opinion.
I hate idiots working in music stores. Especially when the idiots know NOTHING about music gear.
So, uhm... what was it that you were looking for?

One book, "Swedish-made Penis Enlargers And Me: This Sort of Thing Is My Bag Baby", by again with this.
again with this":30946 said:
Bump because I'm not done being pissed.


I'm still pissed over the whole "a 12ax7 is a 12ax7" fiasco, and it has more to the story, but I wont hi-jack your thread. :D
lamppost":13b21 said:
I hate idiots working in music stores. Especially when the idiots know NOTHING about music gear.

I worked in a music store for eight years... That door swings both ways - we felt the same way about 80% of the clueless "experts" that used to stream through.
SeaDog":27a33 said:

I worked in a music store for eight years... That door swings both ways - we felt the same way about 80% of the clueless "experts" that used to stream through.

I'm sure it does go both ways. I know there is no way in hell I could deal with the constant "experts" coming in and giving me bullshit or all of the little emo and core kiddies coming in and playing the same old stuff over and over.

Personally, I walk in, keep to myself as much as possible and unless I'm trying something out, I make the trip as short as I can. :wink:
Pretty much, that's how it is in Montreal. The big store here is very much like that.

"I want to try a guitar..."
"Here! Try this one, it's cheaper and just as good [Random maker I've never heard of...]"
"Just hand me the one I asked for"
"Alright. Give me the cable when you're done"
[Store manager plugs into a Cube 15]

The stores here just stock everything in the back so that they can sell the cheap shit. They also do not allow you to use any decent amps so your guitar sounds like ass as is. That scenario actually happened to me when I was with a friend who wanted to pick up an Epiphone Firebird but they wanted to give him a Tokai.
SeaDog":0d733 said:

I worked in a music store for eight years... That door swings both ways - we felt the same way about 80% of the clueless "experts" that used to stream through.

yea but it's sad when the "experts" working in the store are complete retards, I was trying out the Krank Revolution at Guitar Center a while back, and a salesman walks up and says, "not bad for solid state huh?" when there are obviously tubes glowing in the thing, I just looked at him to see if he was joking.....nope, serious as could be, he went on about how Krank was putting out these S.S. amps that sound "better than Mesa, or most other tube amps"


Or walking in to buy a specific 12ax7 and having a "tech" (who I know has been working there for at least 10-15 years) tell me "whats the difference a 12ax7 is a 12ax7. Then gets offended when I told him he didnt know what he was talking about, calls me up a couple days later and wants to know why I said that, I told him to call Doug at Dougtubes and ask him, if there is a difference in tubes, and he argues with me about it some more, so I tell him to call Mark Cameron (his reply "who?" :lol: ) or Mesa, or....or....

The sad thing is this guy knows I've been in his store hundreds of times, and been in his shop buying capacitors, and resistors for years, and he still treated me like I was some punk ass high school kid that didnt know what I was talking about....

Needless to say, I dont go in there for parts during the week when he is there, I go on the weekend, and the Manager lets me in the repair shop to grab what I need.
SeaDog":fe10d said:

I worked in a music store for eight years... That door swings both ways - we felt the same way about 80% of the clueless "experts" that used to stream through.

Yeah, plenty of idiots who act like know it alls have tried to talk to me just in my very short visits to the bigger stores. I can't imagine what kind of crap the employees have to deal with.
again with this":811e9 said:
Bump because I'm not done being pissed.
Which kid was it at Guitar Center and the 'p50 tubes'? Was it the skinny goth asian guy with greasy hair and pock face? When I got my Marshall 4-12 cab there a few months back I wanted to know which speakers it had. 'Greenbacks.. uh, yea...definitely Greenbacks' I was told by 2 guys. Rated at 120 watts... I said that can't be . Greenbacks are 25 watts a piece. Turns out they are the Celestion H-30s. Trust no one.
Lol I wouldn't expect them to know that stuff to begin with. Those stores are in the business of selling accessories and little practice combos and cheap guitars to people who want to learn to play a Nirvana song or something.

The employees don't sit around deciding what tube to put in V1 of their Diezel and which combination of speakers to use in their cabs. I've never even seen any bigger stores that sell stuff like that. They just have a few Marshall, Peavey, and maybe Krank amps as far as heads go, at best. Just typical mass produced stuff. How are they going to know any better?

However, what REALLY surprises me is that they don't put tags on everything saying things like what speakers and impedance the cabs are. It's like they don't even care if something blows up because someone tried out some combination of stuff that didn't get along.
Oblivion DC":3daf2 said:
So, uhm... what was it that you were looking for?

yeah, I needed a new penis pump ( been through two this year already)and a cable for my wireless transmitter with a right angle plug. Shure. Part # WA 304.

the clueless son of a bitch first handed me a little patch cable like for connecting pedals. then, when I re-explained that's when he said they don't make it and I'd have to cut up one with a straight plug and he graciously offered to sell me the right angle plug to attach...

Fucking moron.
simbasa":dc6bb said:
>|<>QBB< Which kid was it at Guitar Center and the 'p50 tubes'? Was it the skinny goth asian guy with greasy hair and pock face? When I got my Marshall 4-12 cab there a few months back I wanted to know which speakers it had. 'Greenbacks.. uh, yea...definitely Greenbacks' I was told by 2 guys. Rated at 120 watts... I said that can't be . Greenbacks are 25 watts a piece. Turns out they are the Celestion H-30s. Trust no one.

greasy blonde faux hawk wearin' skinny white guy. That's not what this thread was about... But what the hell.

Let's get it all out shall we?
The manager overheard the original conversation and let me order the tubes I WANTED free of charge. :D

I shop alot there and he didnt want to lose me as a customer. Small town (180,000) so they cant afford to lose customers, especially since Guitar Center is opening next month....
Juggernaut":26f2a said:
The manager overheard the original conversation and let me order the tubes I WANTED free of charge. :D

I shop alot there and he didnt want to lose me as a customer. Small town (180,000) so they cant afford to lose customers, especially since Guitar Center is opening next month....

well, that worked out nicely.
The back story with Music Unlimited is... I took my 5150 there for repair. They ship it off to Fresno for three weeks. They never call me. I called them to find out what was going on. They said, "oh, it's been here a week already". I had made a poin to tell them I needed it back ASAP, 'cuz it was my only amp.

So, when I get there to pick it up, they charge me a little over 200 bucks and all they did was change the tubes. I told them when I dropped it off, that I had litteraly replaced the tubes two weeks before hand.

In short, their "tech" didn't fix my amp, only changed the tubes. Not only did they do that, but they lost the tubes that were in there. Most likely 'cuz they knew I'd call bullshit and test the original set...

the same fuckhead with the shure part gave me the run around about the repair and was whollu unappologetic about not calling me for a week, while the thing sat on the floor where who knows how many times it got kicked. It wasn't even in "the back" ofr behind a counter. Sittling on the floor in front of the display counter. For a week.

I hope that joint burns down with all that fuckstick manager inside.
Juggernaut":bed3a said:
The manager overheard the original conversation and let me order the tubes I WANTED free of charge. :D

I shop alot there and he didnt want to lose me as a customer. Small town (180,000) so they cant afford to lose customers, especially since Guitar Center is opening next month....

no shit?

wondered how long before banjomart moved into there and Lubbock. i'll have to go just to see Amarillo's take on one.

Randy's allready got he's teeth kicked in by the internet, wonder if that will put him under?