Well-known member
This was my first true from-scratch build. Probably around 2000. Not a kit just sourced everything, mostly from Hoffman Amps. The cabinet was made by Armadillo Amps, always thought it was a cool looking smallbox cab. It’s very well made.
Modded to hell and back. Today was bringing it back to stock 50w 1987-circuit glory after a long strange trip to high gain land. It still carries some of the early weirdness but it’s both quiet and loud af. Lots of gain.
I’ll probably try 22n output couplers but it sounds pretty killer as is.

Modded to hell and back. Today was bringing it back to stock 50w 1987-circuit glory after a long strange trip to high gain land. It still carries some of the early weirdness but it’s both quiet and loud af. Lots of gain.

I’ll probably try 22n output couplers but it sounds pretty killer as is.
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