My VH-4 has been FLOODED!!!!!!

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Hey guys. My VH-4 was in the Nashville flood. Due to insurance bs, I'm just now able to get to it. Channel one works. NONE of the switching works. All tube filaments are lit. Who can work on my amp in the states? Anyone in Nashville? Please help!
write a mail to these persons:

peterdiezel (at) diezelamplification (dot) com
peterstapfer (at) diezelamplification (dot) com
Oh no...this is awful, when did this happen? I always use to inform myself about what ist happening around the world in a possible way, but i missed this, but heard about damage by water at the Gibson manufacture. Isn´t it in Nashville, too? The Peters from Diezel will help you as quick as they can. But perhaps it would be easier to get a new one. Good luck!!!
A guy on Ultimate-Guitar named Colin (he actually used to play for Taylor Swift and her live band) lost ALL of his gear in the flooding, but was reimbursed by his insurance company for all that was destroyed. It only took about four weeks or so for the insurance company to pay up, but now he has an entirely new rig that he bought with the money.

We all felt extremely sorry for him and his loss, but he did receive compensation, and now has a 'fresh' rig. I'm sorry for your loss.
Thanks guys. I have the amp running now. It has a few bugs in it to sort out. I also used to play for Taylor Swift. Most of my gear was in Soundcheck when it flooded. However, I didn't have flood insurance. Fortunately, I'm a tech nerd. I can do extensive amp, effect, and guitar repair. I've been able to rebuild a majority of my stuff. I've been doing the same for friends when I'm not touring.
Peter Diezel has been very kind to me.