Still in Barcelona man. But I part on oct 3rd back to my little island
I'll let you all know when I leave, Europe has been AMAZING to me, especially in the gear department!
but I'm happy to go back, I have my own studio space over there which will become my home studio and I'll be able to really open up my amps and record quality stuff. Plus I'm starting my music career and I'm incredibly excited for that.
I was also tired of not having ppl to jam with over here...... don't get me wrong there are a lot more ppl to jam here than in Dominican Republic, but the circumstances are precarious and at the end it was too much of a hassle, I didn't have a car to move my gear, if you took a taxi it would be more than 10euros at trip FOR SURE, then most bands have practice spaces on the outside of the city, paying up to 100 euros a months ........ it was just too much....... I ocncentrated on my playing which got A LOT better, and lots of songwriting.
for sure man! if any of you ever go to D.R. hit me and I'll take you out! we have awesome beaches, great beer (not as many as Germany), but the 'Presidente' is one of the best beers in the world according to beer experts.