NAD…modded 2204 content…

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After 60+ stock, modded Marshalls since 2008 or so, all that was left for me to try was a real Jose A. Which, based on what they go for, wasn’t gonna happen unless I got super lucky. Chatting with some friends from RT the Caswell mod came up. I’d totally forgotten about these, and interestingly enough he’s about 40 minutes away. I’d contacted him 15 yrs ago about a gain mod, but at that time it was all or nothing…clean, loop and 2 boosts all footswitchable for 900. I passed.
Well, jumped on eBay and perused JMPs and came across a Caswell 2204, 1979 with just the gain mod for a good price…and, this was modded WAAY back in 1988. I’ve never seen any Caswell from that far back. So I hit it. Seller was awesome; 2 day air from Honolulu…included in the price. Have a receipt from 88 showing it came from Caswell. Came with 2 GE 6550A power tubes, and 2 extras as well.
It’s a ripper for sure. 2 things I always read about the 39 mod was, they’re bright as hell and super noisy. This one is the polar opposite. It’s borderline too dark lol…and quiet as a mouse fart. Quietest modded Marshall I’ve ever played. There’s a 4th pre tube that engages with a push/pull pot on the front…stock 2204 otherwise. It can get too gainy and mushes up a bit; but with both gains around 6 it’s a nice 80s Rock tone. But, dial those gains back a touch and boosted, holy hell it’s a steamroller. Incredible. Back in 2016 I picked up an 82 2204 at a Cali GC for 799; it had a slight gain mod and a tube loop. No clue who modded it but that thing with a boost was amazing. Traded it towards an SLO but later realized I f’d up…that 2204 was special. This Caswell makes up for that mistake as it has that same bloom as that 82 that I stupidly sold.
Describing the sound, I'd say it is like a good 2204 but with MORE of everything....the mod doesn't change anything about a good 2204 tone...similar to a Lee Jackson I had long ago...but this one is better. Vs a Cameron that sometimes gives you a part Mesa/Marshall thing.


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Sounds awesome. A lot of times, you have to justify your mod and make it do so many things when a few tiny things bring out the best.
Great find there Racer........So this is Caswell's take on a Jose mod or is it one of his mods?
Great find there Racer........So this is Caswell's take on a Jose mod or is it one of his mods?
I think it's his own thing? But it may be something that is already done, that he took further? I do know that the SIR #39 that was rented out usually 2 yrs in advance, was a 73 SuperTrem that he utilized the Trem tube as an additional gain stage...he modded it in late 1983. So this one isn't a Jose in that the master doesn't activate's a push pull pot that engages the 4th pre tube he added.
Nice! I wonder if you could still use a Legedary Tones Hot Mod or Mr Scary with and what would it sound like.
Nice! I wonder if you could still use a Legedary Tones Hot Mod or Mr Scary with and what would it sound like.
Honestly, with gain 2 engaged it's got more gain than anyone needs when you turn them up past 6 or so...gets a little too mushy for me. The right spot seems to be both gains at 5-6. Then, hit it with a boost and it's super aggressive and tight. The Hot Mod will add more gain, but my experience with one was it doesn't help with tightening it up any. So I don't know if it's really needed since it has more gain than I can use when I push both up to 7, 8.
After 60+ stock, modded Marshalls since 2008 or so, all that was left for me to try was a real Jose A. Which, based on what they go for, wasn’t gonna happen unless I got super lucky. Chatting with some friends from RT the Caswell mod came up. I’d totally forgotten about these, and interestingly enough he’s about 40 minutes away. I’d contacted him 15 yrs ago about a gain mod, but at that time it was all or nothing…clean, loop and 2 boosts all footswitchable for 900. I passed.
Well, jumped on eBay and perused JMPs and came across a Caswell 2204, 1979 with just the gain mod for a good price…and, this was modded WAAY back in 1988. I’ve never seen any Caswell from that far back. So I hit it. Seller was awesome; 2 day air from Honolulu…included in the price. Have a receipt from 88 showing it came from Caswell. Came with 2 GE 6550A power tubes, and 2 extras as well.
It’s a ripper for sure. 2 things I always read about the 39 mod was, they’re bright as hell and super noisy. This one is the polar opposite. It’s borderline too dark lol…and quiet as a mouse fart. Quietest modded Marshall I’ve ever played. There’s a 4th pre tube that engages with a push/pull pot on the front…stock 2204 otherwise. It can get too gainy and mushes up a bit; but with both gains around 6 it’s a nice 80s Rock tone. But, dial those gains back a touch and boosted, holy hell it’s a steamroller. Incredible. Back in 2016 I picked up an 82 2204 at a Cali GC for 799; it had a slight gain mod and a tube loop. No clue who modded it but that thing with a boost was amazing. Traded it towards an SLO but later realized I f’d up…that 2204 was special. This Caswell makes up for that mistake as it has that same bloom as that 82 that I stupidly sold.
Describing the sound, I'd say it is like a good 2204 but with MORE of everything....the mod doesn't change anything about a good 2204 tone...similar to a Lee Jackson I had long ago...but this one is better. Vs a Cameron that sometimes gives you a part Mesa/Marshall thing.
So Lee gets alot of hate on some of the pages regarding his mods... I've owned just about everything and I'd put 3/4 I've owned/own against anything.. What Lee mod you have?

Kudos on the amp, chatted him a bit and almost grabbed it.
It was a 1987 2204, and the first modded Marshall I bought. It had the second master vol, and the extra mid 'notch' control that let you select from 6 different mid frequencies. Cool amp...It really retained all the Marshall tone and let you crank the power tubes up while you could still keep it quiet with the 2nd Master.
This Caswell is similar in that way; it's still all 2204 with 'more' gain, and thump....not sure what he did to the power section but it feels like it's more like a 100w than a 50. Really comes alive with vol, even more than most other amps I've had.
After 60+ stock, modded Marshalls since 2008 or so, all that was left for me to try was a real Jose A.
Does your dealership have a website? Since you like modded 2204's check out a Feldman, your tone quest will be over forever. It's just unlikely as hell that you are gonna horn your way into getting dealership status, I hear Corey doesn't just let any tom dick or harry sell his stuff.

Seriously though, congrats on the amp. Pretty sweet Marshall you got there brougham. And you still got your 71 too right? Lucky dawg!!!
Ooh very nice.

Too bad there's not too many soundclips of Caswell-modded Marshalls out in the wild. Every clip I've heard of one has been awesome. Like, really awesome.

inb4 some guy replies with "Appetite for Destruction"
you know what I mean
My favorite kinda post, for damned sure. Great story that leads into a great amp score. Lots of knowledge/info. I fucking love learning shit from posts like this. Big thanks and congrats mang.