NAD, 20th XTC (EL34's)

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Got it quicker than I thought I would, had it about a week now, I like it a lot.

Here's my early thoughts / questions based on home use only (got practice tonight)

I was a bit intimidated by all the switches, coming from a Cornford MK50 which just has one switch (the one that turns it on lol) and 1 channel etc it’s a lot to take in. Obviously it’s the opposite in terms of approach to the Cornford which is great, ½ hour with the manual and I was sorted.

Tried it thought my Orange 2x12 with G12-65’s and my Diamond 4x12 with V30’s/G12H’s and there’s an appreciable difference. Not sure which I prefer, I need to try with the band, I am a massive fan of the G12-65’s with my Cornford so it will be interesting.
I really would like to try a 4x12 with both 55 and 75hz heritage greenbacks but unless I sell a kidney or other appendage that’s not happening for a while.

Not spent much time on the green other than a quick blast, it’s functional and that’s more than enough. The blue and red channels are awesome, leaning a bit more towards the red for the volume I am playing at but I suspect when I get to practice tonight that could all change.

There really is no hiding place with this amp, I heard that about my Cornford before I bought it but never really noticed but the XTC is just so clear and hifi. It’s so different from any other amp I have played, every time I plug it in I am turning the gain down, it’s like I am learning to play all over again. The Cornford is a balls to the wall sledgehammer but the XTC is like a freekin lightsabre.

I was wondering what settings you guys used for home / band environments and how you use the channels, not sure if I am going to dedicate either the blue or red to rhythm and the other to lead or use both for different flavors and employ the loop as a volume boost for solos. The only drawback to the latter I can see is I like my delay in the loop and on permanently which I wouldn’t be able to do in that scenario.

It’s a definite keeper and I think pretty unique (not that I have played 100’s of amps), I was a bit worried having not had the chance to play before ordering and with the cost (it’s 3x more than I paid for my car !! lol) and I am so pleased it complements the MK50 perfectly. It’s the only EL34 XTC in the UK as far as I am aware.
Grats on the new amp. I've had mine for a bit now, and absolutely love it.

Primarily I run the green channel with the gain around 1 o clock, and the volume between 11 and 12. I notice that this channel has a lot of trouble 'keeping up' with the other two in terms of sheer volume output, but for recording that's sort of a non-issue.

Blue channel I run with gain around 2 o clock, volume again around 11ish. I bounce back and forth about plexi mode here, as I really enjoy it for some things. (as a cleanish lead it's amazing), and I'm toying with the idea of checking out some boost pedals so I can use plexi as my full time rhythm channel. Blue in non-plexi mode / solo boosted via the amp is the other mode I end up using a lot as a primary rhythm tone.

Red channel.. the longer I've owned it, the more the gain knob heads to the left :). Right now I've been running with the gain around 11-noon, and volume about the same. I haven't really toyed with plexi on channel 3. I don't have it in front of me now, but I think I run channels 1 / 2 on L excursion, and channel 3 on M. Presence is around 11 on channels 1 / 2, a hair lower on 3.

I agree about the no hiding aspect. This amp isn't very compressed, which is especially noticeable on blue, so when you make picking mistakes, it sort of points and laughs at you (and mine laughs all the time).
Probably one of the finest amps on the planet in my humblest of opines... Thing's a f*ckin' masterpiece. To me? Sounds deeeeeeeeeeelish!!

Congrats on your new amp, that's one helluva head to celebrate having for sure :thumbsup:
