Congrats. I sold my 5150 with the idea to replace it a bit later cause they were only 5-700 then Eddie died... Anyway I wanted an 05 but couldn't find them new or used so I got a Chinese made + then posted it for trade for an 05 straight up. Dude gave me a U.S. made 05 which honestly I felt it was a fair trade.
But I was talking about selling it and getting a 1992 cause I need to retube and a cap job. One of my friends told me about the location that is building the 1992's and he said someone from his company went there and learned nobody plays guitar there so there isn't any qc done by plugging it in and playing. I've heard a couple complaints about the QC lately and this lines up.
I really didn't think there was much if any difference in country of origin but at least they did have people who could actually tell if the amp worked as expected and sounded OK. If your selling point is we fixed a few complaints in this but you aren't properly QC 'ing them then what's the point?
Anyway congrats on the amp! Looking forward to more of your vids with it. We really didn't know how good we had it in the states being able to get a U.S. made high gain amp for around 1k.