NAD Turned to Time to Visit the Tech Day Ampeg VH-140C

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Brought the amp home and played for about 5 minutes and the power started to cut out. Waited for a while and played for 5 more minutes and started doing the same.

A quick clip I was able to grab before sending it off to the tech:

This was boosted with a Nobels ODR-1 30th.
I predict failing power amp. Been through this 3 times. I hope I am wrong.
The lights go out when the power dips. The sound completely cuts out and it comes back with a pop that activates the reverb tank if on. My tech said depending on the issue it may be very hard if not impossible to find the exact parts. He did say that the fact that it still makes some sound is promising.

Damn, hope you get that fixed, clip sounds good
Thanks. Fingers are crossed here.
The lights go out when the power dips. The sound completely cuts out and it comes back with a pop that activates the reverb tank if on. My tech said depending on the issue it may be very hard if not impossible to find the exact parts. He did say that the fact that it still makes some sound is promising.

Thanks. Fingers are crossed here.
It sounds all too familiar bro. It just sucks, they are amazing amps. So much so that I bought one after the first two broke down on me. I grew up about 10 minutes from the Ampeg/Crate factory. Back in the late 90's, these were all over the place for $250-300. I hope somehow your tech can find a fix because he is right...the parts are impossible to find. If there is a specific part he thinks he needs I MIGHT be able to help you (thats a big might)..I know some old engineers and techs that worked at SLM back then but it's a longshot.
It sounds all too familiar bro. It just sucks, they are amazing amps. So much so that I bought one after the first two broke down on me. I grew up about 10 minutes from the Ampeg/Crate factory. Back in the late 90's, these were all over the place for $250-300. I hope somehow your tech can find a fix because he is right...the parts are impossible to find. If there is a specific part he thinks he needs I MIGHT be able to help you (thats a big might)..I know some old engineers and techs that worked at SLM back then but it's a longshot.
Mosfets? Those are indeed rare these days. It's why eventually when my HH V800 gives up, it's toast. No repairing them. Just like the SS Randall stuff. Can't find replacement Mosfets.
It's too bad someone doesn't make a proper replacement for those. Think of how many great pieces of SS gear could be saved for future enjoyment.
that kind of intermittency sounds like it could be a broken solder joint or some other bad connection. Amp warms up, something expands slightly, and loses connection.
Would be awesome if it was this easy of a fix.
that kind of intermittency sounds like it could be a broken solder joint or some other bad connection. Amp warms up, something expands slightly, and loses connection.
I'd also say there is a decent chance that is the case. I used to turn on my 140C and there would be no sound for about 5 minutes, followed by a couple bowel shaking thumps and pops (even when the volume was on 0) and then boom, played fine. I eventually took it to a repair guy that used to work at SLM, he said it was a cold/bad solder joint, which that amp is apparently pretty notorious for. He fixed it up and it has worked normally ever since. Hope your tech gets it back in the saddle again bc those amps are fucking beasts.
Amp is back from the tech! I haven't fired it up yet but am looking forward to. $140 to fix her up.







Some off the cuff riffing to test the tone.

Straight in to a Marshall 4x12 with a 1971 Greenback mic'd with a SM57.

Last clip was a bit more on the nasty side of the amp so I thought I would throw a random riff showing the amp boosted.

It takes boosts pretty well.

Not like anyone wants to hear more solid state tones but I set the Mesa 2x12 back up and wanted to see how it would do with the kind of tone it is known for, raw, ratty filth.

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