NAD Ultra Lead

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Traded my Mesa Roadster + $400 for a mint condition 2011 Fryette Pittbull Ultra Lead today. Took it to my space and put it through it's paces--holy shit! The clean especially blows me away. It really chimes... so HI-FI yet dynamically expressive and rich. Anywhere from jazzy tones to slinky funk depending on the pickup selections. Almost Twin Reverb like, but a little more emphasis in the low mids. The gain channels are very different than my other Pittbull though. I'd say the Pittbull Classic is more punchy and marginally better for leads, but this one has a stronger balance, so to speak. I really like both amps, but this is really a case study in how different tube types affect such a similar circuit.

I cannot wait to gig and record with it. It now opens me up to trade my Pittbull combo for another comparable quality head. Makes it easier to take a backup amp to a gig, which is something I really like to do.

So amazing!
That's my buddies favorite high gainer. He actually ended up there from a Roadster as well. Sounds great. Get a P50E loaded 4x12, turn it up, and you're in tonal heaven for that higher gain sound.

Congrats! I have an old UL with no EQ and it's fantastic. I just love the feel of the under under my fingers. The gain is so articulate and it's all usable up and down the dial. I like mine through Mesa V30's with the mids dialed back to about 4/10 and the bass and treble pushed high.
I love my UL through it's matching Fatbottom with P50's. It's also very different sounding than most other amps, another part I really like.
Sweet, another UL user! I love mine. It's never leaving.
Congrats on the amp.

I have both UL & CL.
My preference is for the CL because of the 34's but the UL is no slouch either.

Can't go wrong with either, Fryette makes some killer gear for sure :rock: :rock:
I'm interested to see how this amp will track. The Pittbull Combo has, to date, been the best all around recording amp I've used. I'm somehow skeptical the UL will translate as well, but will probably be better live. If only I had the head version of the combo to go with the UL, I would be so set. CLX and UL together would be the most amazing combination.

I love the 3 channel VHT/Fryettes. Knew it going in. Just didn't expect the UL to be so... different sounding... from the CLX. The tubes make a huge difference!

Actually, if I had to put it simply, I think the Classic/CLX, EL34 based Pittbulls are perhaps more useful in a 2 guitarist or guitar+keys environment because it's more punchy and midrange heavy. The UL is probably better for a one guitar band / power trio because it's more balanced, tighter lows, but less singing/vowel-like mids. This amp can nail Adam Jones sounds all over the place. The Classic has an almost Bogner-like character, but mid to high range transients seem more pronounced hence the punch.

You know what, over the next month or so I think I might do a side by side recorded comparison between the two amps through the same speaker (EVM12L), same mic placement, and exactly the same settings. I'll also test slaving one of the preamps through my VTM-60 power amp which has KT66's in it. Whaddya think? Blind side by side tests?
dirtyfunkg":2rsa3qwz said:
The Classic has an almost Bogner-like character, but mid to high range transients seem more pronounced hence the punch.

Now thats a very cool observation.
The Bogner's will always be an easier amp to play but there is a certain depth the CL has in the tone while letting the mids & highs ring thru.

As you said, the CL works amazingly well in the 2 guitar band set up.
No chance of being lost in the mix :rawk:
Congrats! I had a UL years ago and loved it. too bad I had to sell it.
I love the ultra lead tone and the feel, it a great amp and it has so much clarity in the gain.
i thought it sounded awesome with the deliverance cab, a p50 speaker is a perfect match. i also tried a few other cabs with it but didnt like it as much.
Congrats, awesome amps... I've got one I run thru a greenback cab. Great stuff.
I quite like the cab I'm running through. I actually am trying to get rid of my Mills Afterburner 412... it's overkill for anything I need (see another thread I started that riled some people up :lol: :LOL: )

I've got the Genz Benz G-Flex 212. I've replaced one speaker with an old EVM 12L that I had in a cube style open back. I'm planning on replacing the other speaker at some point with a Classic Lead 80, which I really like in my Pittbull combo.

End result should sound amazing and be very versatile. It's pretty good right now but the weak point of the Genz Benz cabs are the speakers themselves. Baby steps, I suppose.
So I put it through it's paces at a rehearsal last night. While, in almost all respects, it was great, there is one huge problem: the high end is really ice-picky on the rhythm and lead channels. I dialed the presence and treble out completely on both and still couldn't get ride of this. I did not engage the graphic EQ at all. The guitar I was running through is a Jackson SL3 (alder body, maple neck, rosewood fretboard). Problem was especially bad on single coils (BKP Mothers Milk). It was really harsh, especially in a band mix. Speakers are Genz Benz G-flex cab with 1 EVM 12L and the other a standard Genz Benz speaker.
dirtyfunkg":28ph2wk7 said:
So I put it through it's paces at a rehearsal last night. While, in almost all respects, it was great, there is one huge problem: the high end is really ice-picky on the rhythm and lead channels. I dialed the presence and treble out completely on both and still couldn't get ride of this. I did not engage the graphic EQ at all. The guitar I was running through is a Jackson SL3 (alder body, maple neck, rosewood fretboard). Problem was especially bad on single coils (BKP Mothers Milk). It was really harsh, especially in a band mix. Speakers are Genz Benz G-flex cab with 1 EVM 12L and the other a standard Genz Benz speaker.

Congrats on your new amp! I also love how the VHTs feel under the fingers.

I can't help but wonder how much of that ice-pick is the cab/speakers? I don't find VHTs in general to be overly bright at all.. they are quite well balanced.
dirtyfunkg":1d15ugor said:
So I put it through it's paces at a rehearsal last night. While, in almost all respects, it was great, there is one huge problem: the high end is really ice-picky on the rhythm and lead channels. I dialed the presence and treble out completely on both and still couldn't get ride of this. I did not engage the graphic EQ at all. The guitar I was running through is a Jackson SL3 (alder body, maple neck, rosewood fretboard). Problem was especially bad on single coils (BKP Mothers Milk). It was really harsh, especially in a band mix. Speakers are Genz Benz G-flex cab with 1 EVM 12L and the other a standard Genz Benz speaker.

Hmm, i`m running mine with an afterburner and a mesa stilleto cab and i don`t find the highs ice picky at all. But i used to have a Jackson King V with the alder body and maple cap, and i almost sold my UL cause of what you are describing. The highs where unbearable. Then i got other guitars in and everything was good.....Sold the Jackson. Too bad as it was a crazy nice looking guitar but i couldn`t get a tone i liked with it, tried different pups but alas.

Try it with another guitar and see if it helps.

7 Stringer":1bxvp9dt said:
dirtyfunkg":1bxvp9dt said:
So I put it through it's paces at a rehearsal last night. While, in almost all respects, it was great, there is one huge problem: the high end is really ice-picky on the rhythm and lead channels. I dialed the presence and treble out completely on both and still couldn't get ride of this. I did not engage the graphic EQ at all. The guitar I was running through is a Jackson SL3 (alder body, maple neck, rosewood fretboard). Problem was especially bad on single coils (BKP Mothers Milk). It was really harsh, especially in a band mix. Speakers are Genz Benz G-flex cab with 1 EVM 12L and the other a standard Genz Benz speaker.

Hmm, i`m running mine with an afterburner and a mesa stilleto cab and i don`t find the highs ice picky at all. But i used to have a Jackson King V with the alder body and maple cap, and i almost sold my UL cause of what you are describing. The highs where unbearable. Then i got other guitars in and everything was good.....Sold the Jackson. Too bad as it was a crazy nice looking guitar but i couldn`t get a tone i liked with it, tried different pups but alas.

Try it with another guitar and see if it helps.


Wow. It's kind of discouraging that an amp like this couldn't handle an alder/maple guitar.

I'm kind of led to believe maybe swapping one preamp tube for something known to have a darker character may help. Any suggestions? I'm thinking the V2 which is 2nd and 3rd gain stages and only affect dirty channels.