(SEE FEW POSTS BELOW FOR THE UPS STORY, AND THE NCD "Day") So after many trials and tribulations and demoing my BE-100 head through many different 4x12 cabs, I've pulled the trigger on a Friedman 4x12 Vintage cab w/salt and pepper cloth. I played through an mid 70's Marshall with Blackbacks, Bogner w/GB's and V30's, Mesa V30 cab, and a Splawn 4x12 w/Creambacks.... nothing compares remotely to the half way broken-in Friedman 4x12 with Greenbacks and V30's at Guitar Center. So I called up Derrick from the Private Reserve at MF (great dude and great deals!!)
So I got the last Salt and Pepper 4x12 they had(says on site now that they won't have any more till Dec.5th) and it should be here Friday or Saturday. I'm really pumped!! I've never owned a cab with no casters before, so I'll use my square dolly with casters to move it.

First things first... Crank it up and jam for a little while, then I'm gonna do what Dave suggested to break in the cab and put it face down on the floor of our sound-proofed studio, get a looper and play some super chugging riffs with another amp cranked pretty loud for 4 hours. Then again the next day while going yard work, and that'll put a head start on breakin in them speakers.
So I got the last Salt and Pepper 4x12 they had(says on site now that they won't have any more till Dec.5th) and it should be here Friday or Saturday. I'm really pumped!! I've never owned a cab with no casters before, so I'll use my square dolly with casters to move it.

First things first... Crank it up and jam for a little while, then I'm gonna do what Dave suggested to break in the cab and put it face down on the floor of our sound-proofed studio, get a looper and play some super chugging riffs with another amp cranked pretty loud for 4 hours. Then again the next day while going yard work, and that'll put a head start on breakin in them speakers.