Need a 7 String pickup close to a Wolfetone

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So I have a Wolfetone blisterbucker that is my pickup of choice with a Mesa Mark VII. I am trying to find something that is close to this pickup for a 7 string Ibanez and so far no luck. I’ve tried a duncan distortion and a dimarzio titan so far. I reached out to Wolfe and he doesn’t wind 7 string pups. So if anyone can recommend something that would be amazing.
The description and specs on their website make me think it's similar to the Duncan Distortion, which is 1) readily available in 7-string and 2) sounds great. I'd try that.
The description and specs on their website make me think it's similar to the Duncan Distortion, which is 1) readily available in 7-string and 2) sounds great. I'd try that.
I tried the duncan distortion, it does not sound anything like it really. Its less abrasive, clearer, and has less mids, or at least congestion in the mids.
I think the closest thing to the Blisterbucker I have used was an SH-5 Duncan Custom with an Alnico 8 mag swapped in it, for whatever that’s worth.