Need advice on a 2x12 for my VH4.



New member
I have a 2010 VH4 that is in dire need of a cab.

When I got it I didn't realize just how big this head is. I plug it into my mesa vertical recto cab 2x12 with V30s and it's much much wider that the cab, it's ridiculous. Sounds great tho.

I don't want to buy a 4x12 because the size is overkill for the stages that I play and it's too much hassle to load in the car, I know I'd end up gigging something else instead out of laziness..

I'm looking for a big 2x12 that sounds good. Again, I love the sound of the vertical mesa, I could get the horizontal one but I'm afraid it would be hard to hear on stage.

I wanted to buy a Diezel 2x12 but they're so hard to come by used. Bogner would be a nice alternative, also with V30s.

Anybody can recommend if a Bogner OS 2x12 closed back with V30s would sound nice? Especially compared to the Mesa vertical 2x12. Or should I just go Diezel? I'd get a retro loaded anyway, I don't play much metal, mostly hard rock stuff.

Sell my 2x12 diezel Front loaded in V30 one week ago France so don't be disappointed ....only reason to sell a 4x12 FL in V30 .....always heard they match particulary well together ...and have to admit that's the case and they worth the price .....
Sell my 2x12 diezel Front loaded in V30 one week ago France so don't be disappointed ....only reason to sell a 4x12 FL in V30 .....always heard they match particulary well together ...and have to admit that's the case and they worth the price .....

The G12K-100 FL Cabs sound huge.
Just get a FL 4x12 and be done with it
Good to go forever . Or a Marshall BV cab
I know a 4x12 would flat out sound better but it's just too impractical for actual gigging.
I thought my G12K-100 FL sounded bad with my VH2, but V30's sounded amazing 2x12 or 4x12 - just IMO.
The diezel? Any other manufacturers doing this configuration? Interested in the 212-FK...
Yeah all Diezel. I know many people dig the G12K-100's. In my experience, they didn't jive the VH2. I probably shouldn't have said they sound bad. The V30's were just clearly better for what I was going for (Tool ish sounds).
I’ve been using a Friedman horizontal 2x12 with my VH4 for four years. Sounds fantastic and is lighter than my Diezel 4x12 (which I leave at home).
Friedman's very hard to come by here (I'm in Europe).

Anbody has an opinion on the ENGL pro 2x12? Sounds more mid-heavy than the Mesa.