New member
Hi erverybody, hope you can help me out with my current problem(s).
It´s all about the best way using FX together with my VH4.
first of all I tell you what I use (and want to connect
diezel VH4
G-major (parallel/ progammeble Loop)
Boss GE7 (Equalizer in the insert 2, 3 or 4)
problem 1:
As I love its natural tone, I don´t want to have the G-major always activated (to avoid tone- suckin), that´s the reason I put it into the parallel way. But the g-major works the best way in the seriel loop (especially for pitching and modulation). I can´t decide, how wet the parallel loop should be set to get the best way of both worlds: the original ampsound together with the perfect effect- sound. Any advice?
problem 2:
I want to use the Boss Ge7- equalizer in the insert to get a second clean or Solo- channel. Just the way I want. But activating the equalizer has only a very small effect on the general sound. Also i can´t use the GE7 to boost the channel. Any advice here? Probably another Pedal (ibanez Tubescreamer?)
Problem 3:
I would love to change the chanel 2 into a sweet 'soft-solo' channel...how can I do this? just boosting it in front of the chanel (tubescreamer again?) or is there a way to get by using the channel- insert? It would be great to get ia all just by one step...(via midi!)
Thanx a lot, I hope some of you (maybe Peter D.?) can help me out!
It´s all about the best way using FX together with my VH4.
first of all I tell you what I use (and want to connect

diezel VH4
G-major (parallel/ progammeble Loop)
Boss GE7 (Equalizer in the insert 2, 3 or 4)
problem 1:
As I love its natural tone, I don´t want to have the G-major always activated (to avoid tone- suckin), that´s the reason I put it into the parallel way. But the g-major works the best way in the seriel loop (especially for pitching and modulation). I can´t decide, how wet the parallel loop should be set to get the best way of both worlds: the original ampsound together with the perfect effect- sound. Any advice?
problem 2:
I want to use the Boss Ge7- equalizer in the insert to get a second clean or Solo- channel. Just the way I want. But activating the equalizer has only a very small effect on the general sound. Also i can´t use the GE7 to boost the channel. Any advice here? Probably another Pedal (ibanez Tubescreamer?)
Problem 3:
I would love to change the chanel 2 into a sweet 'soft-solo' channel...how can I do this? just boosting it in front of the chanel (tubescreamer again?) or is there a way to get by using the channel- insert? It would be great to get ia all just by one step...(via midi!)
Thanx a lot, I hope some of you (maybe Peter D.?) can help me out!