Need some quickk Mod 50 power tube recommendations

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I'm heading up to Pro Tech in Maryland later today to buy some power tubes for my Mod50. I need some recommendations. I'm using the VX and T/D modules. What power tube will do them both justice? I'm leaning towards either the TS 6550's or TS5881's. Thestock Sovtek 5881's sound a tad sterile to my ear.
Your first choice (TS 6550's) are the one's, although I would recommend picking up those TS 5881's as well just to have and try out. Who knows, you may like them better!

I'm still loving my TS 6550's. But also like the TAD 6L6 (short bottles) as well.

Oh, and be sure to play around with various bias settings within the correct range.
How high are you guys setting the bias on the 6550's? The Sovtek 5881's I have sound a little harsh on the top end. The bias is over 10mA from the other tube. This seems a little high.

Well.......the one's I have now are quite out of whack, but normally I've been setting mine around 44 I think. Most of the other dudes seem to run them at 47 or 48. I just seemed to prefer them a bit cooler. However that was with the Svet's. My TS are like 8 apart or so, so I set one around 45 then the other is around 38 or so. Kind of sucks, but that's the price I pay for buying used on the cheap!! They still sound great though!

Yeah, that's way too far apart for those Sovteks man.

I've had such good luck with Dougs tubes for power tubes. Several other vendors I get them from sometimes are good, sometimes not so good. Sometimes the start good, then after a few hours they float too much.

If your tech has some, make sure they get burned in a bit before matching up.
I have RM's but I love 6550's in them. In the RM100 head I just picked up I believe that there is a bias adjust on each tube so I don't have to have them matched as close. I haven't fooled with the tubes in that one yet. Next will be the time.
My fav's:

Svet 6550s
JJ E34Ls(Favorite)Tung Sol EL34B
SED Winged C EL34

My worst:
TS 5881

TS 5881s sounded too card boardy to me. I like a thicker, bigger, more organic tone.
I went all the way down there to find out that they were out of the TS 6550's even though they told me that they had them in stock. I picked up a pair of TS 5881's. I just biased them up to 34mA and they are a nice improvement over the Sovtek 5881's. I'm going to order the TS 6550's from Doug's Tubes.
Wagster":3sx5fw92 said:
I went all the way down there to find out that they were out of the TS 6550's even though they told me that they had them in stock. I picked up a pair of TS 5881's. I just biased them up to 34mA and they are a nice improvement over the Sovtek 5881's. I'm going to order the TS 6550's from Doug's Tubes.

Too bad man, but you'll get some good one's from Doug. Glad to hear you are diggin' the 5881's though. Almost all of us swap out the stock Sovtek power tubes.
Half of my dislike for the T/D was the Sovtek 5881's. It's a lot nice with the TS 5881's. If the TS 6550's sound better than the 5881's I'm gonna be in heaven.
Don't listen to richie,he can't make up his mind :lol: :LOL: I do like the E34Ls in my Mod100 and the RT but in the Mod 50,hands down were the TS6550s and the TAD 6L6wgc I believe.
jmgman69":2i6kgk02 said:
Don't listen to richie,he can't make up his mind :lol: :LOL: I do like the E34Ls in my Mod100 and the RT but in the Mod 50,hands down were the TS6550s and the TAD 6L6wgc I believe.

Have tried NUMEROUS tubes w/ the Mod50...and the TS6550s won out.

Other good tubes are:

Svetlana 6550s (my personal favorite 6550, but the TS6550s fits more w/ the Mod50)
Jan Philips NOS 6L6s (amazing 6L6)
Tung Sol 5881s (EWSEthan's favorite)
GT E34L's (a lot of other ppl's favorite tubes around here!)

Oh...and I agree w/ ya Jason...richidie's opinions on tubes and speakers are like Illinois weather...if you don't like it..wait 5's sure to change! :)