gargamelesp":bfh6ihuz said:
just got my new herbie today so im still in the honeymoon phase but im curious, why did you choose the decatone over the slo? 3 channels the reason? also, how does the engl compare to the herbert? can one cover ,at least partially, anothers' territory? i always thought the se plus the herbert combined will be able to cover all metal bases. enjoy your new amp!
To get the slo i would have had to put cash on top, and a decatone was on my path
I think the deca is more for me, because off the smoother overdrive channel. 3 Channels is not a must, i only need a clean and overdrive channel.
Its difficult to compare the se and herbert, they are just to different.
Flexibility: Herbert wins
options: se wins
Sound: Herbert
ENGL SE E670 6L6:
I only played the 3th channel. Clean was ok i guess
crunch was not all that good
lead 1 channel was massive but had a weird midrange and was always to bassy, always kept eq'ing
lead 2 channel 3th channel but over the top
Tube driver cirquit: this was badass, great to get youre signal direct to the poweramp, with al the eq controlls on the back off the amp. I really liked this option.
All the buttons this amp has is just to much. What all off them do is just boost a surtan freq. thats just it, some are very usuable and some not.
Should have tried el34 tubes, it made a big difference foir alot of people. Had this amp for about 4 years and also just wanted something else now.
Diezel Herbert:
Clean channel: always usable, i really love this clean channel, soft, balsy or even twangy when you want
channel 2 minus: slight overdriven toans and even metal iff you want, great for blues, jazz, fusion etc.
Channel 2 plus: OMG! just dont know how to discribe this one
Massive leads, enormous rythem in youre face sounding,
Channel 3: Singing leads, earth shaking rythem iff you want. Sustain for days. Its a compressed channel but in a verry good way. With youre guitar volume you can get so many sounds out of this channel alone. The way this channel reacts to youre lead playing is just amazing.
Mid-cut: love this option, you just have to know when and how to use it. It ads space to the toan.
With El-34 tubes: smooth, midrange warmth and more depth, did not get the chance to crank the amp with these tubes
With 6550 tubes: raw and in youre face/gut. Articulation is more present(difficult to discribe), les freq. in the mid range, maybe coulder sounding is the word. But with a 4X12 and the master at noon, channel volumes min. at noon this amp comes alive.
This amp sounds more traditional , not hifi sounding, Raw but smooth sounding amp.
Channel 1 clean: verry usuable, warm sounding far better than the SE but not better than the Herberts
Channel 2 crunch: slight overdriven, jcm 800 kinda channel. Like it so far but have to spend more time on this one, just a tad less gain on this channel then i would like to use. Maybe pushed would give me the experience.
CHannel 3 overdrive: Not compressed, pure, in youre face sounding. This will sit perfect in a band setting. Great for alot off styles. This together with the Herberts channel 3 and three is amazing. Beautifull midrange.
Soldano also designed this amp so that you have to crank the master to max and use the volume channels. Tried it and loved it. The other way around is also nice, but this way i get the sweet spot every time.
With the se i was happy with channel 3 but still had some issue with it(maybe el34 would suffice)
With the Herbert i love all channels
Decatone love for the clean and overdrive channel, the crunch channel still needs some work