Hi, Im new here...
DLX, VX, SL, SL2 and EG5 modules used, beware sloppy playing !! It was my first touch with this amp, unfortunately Strymon Brigadier Delay did not work with eggie loop, so I bought Lexicon MPX1 lets see hows it work w/ eggie...
Amp was loud as usual, this time fx´s is from plugins
DLX, SL modules:
VX, SL2 modules:
EG5, SL2 modules:
enjoy, or not
DLX, VX, SL, SL2 and EG5 modules used, beware sloppy playing !! It was my first touch with this amp, unfortunately Strymon Brigadier Delay did not work with eggie loop, so I bought Lexicon MPX1 lets see hows it work w/ eggie...
Amp was loud as usual, this time fx´s is from plugins
DLX, SL modules:
VX, SL2 modules:
EG5, SL2 modules:
enjoy, or not