
New member
Yo dudes,

Seems like i havent really been workin on a whole lot of new stuff lately cuz i have been focusing on the EP (which is coming along nicely btw!) but yeah instead of going out tonite and being social i got inspired and decided to record some riffs, it ended up taking a fair bit longer then i had intended and i have a short rough clip for all of yall now! I am too tired and disoriented to mix it, so hopefully it sounds alright and i will fix any problems i find with it in the coming days!

Its called "Füf" (its a silly inside joke that only like 5 people in the whole world get, and it probably isnt that at all....BUT ITS A COOL SONG NAME NO?) Oh yeah and i was writing this with the intention of using the bits in my Juggernaut epic song, so this counts as another preview haha! Ok enough talk!

Here is the link to my soundclick: (the song is at the top of the list)

and to myspace (should play by default)

As for equipment I used the Petrucci 7 stringer (drop Ab i think..) with the podxt, schecter 5 string bass, and drumkit from hell superior as usual.

man that clean sounds great, what models did you use there?

the heavy stuff sounds good but those kinda mellow parts just have an awesome vibe man...nice job!
ah thanks so much doods!

as far as drums i just mess with the velocities the way i would accent on a real kit, as in with ghost notes and soft accents and the feels on fills etc...

and i believe i was using the jazz chorus amp model on the podxt (which is probably what i would use in real life if i had one haha)
Great stuff as always, I have been practicing some riffing with my 7 string and I always have your stuff cue'd up for ideas.
well as a general rule i dont relaly use that much gain, as little as i can get away with really...