New to forum and to Egnater.

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New member
Very glad I found this site, great looking forum.

I bought a Renegade head and Tourmaster 2x12 cabinet several weeks ago, and have been loving it so far. Still experimenting with tones trying to find the sweet spot. Mainly trying to get the distortion dialed in to where I'm satisfied, but am extremely pleased with the cleans and slightly overdriven tones I've achieved out of channel one.

The reverb has had me scratching my head, but after digging around on here it seems I'm not alone.

A couple weeks ago I played out with some buds at an open mic, brought my rig home afterward and hooked it all back up but put it in a different corner of my den. ( I'm recently divorced, and find guitar gear perfectly acceptable home furnishings :rock: ) The next time I fired it up, something weird started picking up AM radio. It hadn't done this previously, so I moved it back to where it sat before, but it was still be specific...religious talk radio programming, with some occasional political shows. I tried different guitars, instrument cables, speaker cables, plugging the amp into different outlets, etc.

The only things that would stop it was either...

1) unplugging the cable from the input jack.


2) unplugging the tan colored cord from the footswitch.

After experimenting a bit eventually stopped. However, I'm not sure what I did that worked?

Has anyone else had an issue similar to this?

Anyways, thanks in advance for any advice, and it's nice to be here.
Try plugging it into a different wall socket. Maybe the outlet is doing it? also any light dimmers in your house? Just read a thread here, about dimmers messing with your amp. I have a renegade too, no such problem yet.
Hey Welcome to the forum.

I have this problem. I live really close to a country radio station broadcast tower. It bleeds into everything. I comes out of my amps worse out of everything. You may want to try better shielded cables because it seems to me the cables almost at like an antenna picking up the signal. Try different positions or different rooms I've moved my amps around to different spots in rooms to try and get it to quite down. I don't think there is a problem with the amp. All the amps I've tried have did this to me

Do you live close to a radio tower? Also I know with AM radio there is some effect at night that boosts the signal strength so you may run into trouble more at night than in the day.

It could be that God is trying to reach you...

God is trying to reach you! ;)

Seriously, I haven't experienced these issues with any of my amps, but will say that "others" have experienced it with a wide variety of amp manufacturers. It is definitely not an "Egnater Issue".

My advise to you is to follow the advice offered by ALL that have experienced similar issues on this forum and all others. Check out other amp forums for similar occurances.

This is a phenomenum that can occur with all amps and seems to be mostly dependent on the environment of which one lives and plays. You could just so happen to live at a location that is more susceptible to this type of interference.

If you are not able to remedy the problem by trying other locations in your house....try playing your amp at a different location (say....a friend's house nearby) and see if the radio interference disappears. Hope so and good luck.
Could it be the cab? I've got the same issue, had it with another head through the tm 2x12 also?
This ONLY ever happens to me when I plug in a Wa Pedal. :confused:
Thanks guys.

Luckily, it hasn't happened anymore since I got it to quit that least yet anyways.
Just curious what settings some of you guys might use for your lead tones? I've got my cleans and slight overdrives for the most part dialed in, but can't seem to really nail down that screaming lead tone. Thanks for any help.
3 Mile Stone":3r4hmrhx said:
This ONLY ever happens to me when I plug in a Wa Pedal. :confused:

I had this happen at a gig 2 years ago. The culprit was the other guitar"ist" in the group uses about 2 miles of cable to connect his 3 pedals and a circa 1984 power supply for his digi whammy. Most nights he connects through his own power strip but that night he used mine. We figured it out during sound check and fixed it. That was his last gig with us for this and other reasons.