Yes it’s a long show but once in a while doesn’t bother me. It’s my band so I get to talk shit all night about anything. I don’t drink while playing (that’s like driving drunk) so I just wait until after the show. My band gets paid and I don’t. I do it because I just enjoy the 6-10x that I play throughout the year. Mustang sally would be played in another band-not me. I enjoy playing oddities like; brick in the wall, more than a feeling, edge of 17, fat bottom girls…. They tend to get the crowd more enamored with the nostalgia vs being hammered and dancing like a pogo sticks. I used to do a lot more 80s metal but it’s a niche crowd so I pick from everything. Instead of catering to the crowd, we cater to our own wants… if I could pick a time in music history where I could stay I’d say 77-85. And I remember that time quite well- on one hand you had Rupert Holmes, Chic and and the other was Eddie, Randy and Steve. It’s great to pull out Fantasy by Aldo Nova or Heat of the moment and watch everyone sing it. 20 year olds singing to I was made for lovin you and old geezers hammered singing Hold the line. That gets me about 1/2 chub behind the guitar…
Oh and
@Techdeth …. I got home at 9 after doing shit all day. And you should be fucking that chick who came into town for you not jerking off on RT.