dude, can you post a short clip of its lead channel with its controls flat? Or maybe with a bit of extra mid? Ive been looking and looking for a clip that isnt metal or all mid-less, maybe you can help?
I think everyone defines "compressed" in a different way. I didn't think it was compressed, but I also don't think that the Herbert sounds compressed per definition ie the Herbert is compressed.
thanks man.
Do you find the tone compressed? some guys at the HCAF were telling me it sounded TOO compressed.
I did turn down the Mids (8:30) sounds fine in the room
I personally don't care for statements like this Metal and high gain sounds are supposed to be compressed - and high gain is why we are on the Diezel's boat, aren't we ?
Also speaking from my Einy "point of view" - the sweet and liquid distortion means compression... although I don't find it too compressed by any means - just have to be a bit cautios with the gain pot. I never find myself putting it above 1:00 o'clock. Then playing some more with the Volume and the EQ (especially presence) can cover a lot of territory.