newbie with a prob

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New member
Greetings to all. I am a newbie so I dont get involved with forums much cuz I usually dont know what the heck I'm talking about. I bought an egnater rebel 20 head at the end of last year, (i'm teaching myselft to play, oh I really suck) and i was learning Breaking The Law haha Priest Rules,,,, and something weird happened, it was like the bottom end of the sound went PFFFT. Tube Mix sonds ok Watss does its thing the Master tho,, Hmmm still get sound when turned completely counter clockwise, I guess my first guess is a tube? any help would be appreciated, I hate boxing things back up and going to the ups fedex etc. This thing is played very little so I was really surprised to have a prob............It just sounds like the whole bottom end fell out of the d_mn thing,,

Thanks :rock:
I agree with both replies. Contact Egnater guys directly, but it probably just needs new tubes. No harm contacting Egnater though.
... and welcome to the GAS club. No harm being new, we were all there. Although, there are some that forget that. We are all new to something musical, no harm asking questions.

Try not to spend too much time here. It'll getcha. lol