NGD! Charvel Custom Shop Fraser Skulls!

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Dang man, that really stinks.

Also, I haven't played it but having the e string getting close to the edge would drive me nuts.
UPDATE - Still have not connected with Scott at Rainbow, however, I was able to correct the neck angle problem. I was looking at the guitar and noticed the neck was not flush with the body, so I loosen the strings and start to unscrew the neck to adjust it and, get this, the neck was not even tightened down! It was totally loose. So I adjust the neck so it is flush in the pocket, tighten it up, tune it up and the neck angle is fine now. The strings are exactly as you expect with the high E not nearly at the edge of the fretboard on the higher frets as it was before. Still finish problems and a small dent in the wood on the headstock... plus no way would I pay this much for a used Charvel...

Anyway, at least the neck issue is fixed....

sah5150":rsqrcrbh said:
yngzaklynch":rsqrcrbh said:
Best of luck Steve.
All I can say is that I can't believe how I was just treated...

Man, sorry to hear that Steve. The ebay completed listing says 14 day money back? Sounds like you just might want to take advantage of that, if you can.
The very fact that it was sold as new and it isn't is clear justification for a full refund, including reimbursement of shipping fees, if that's the route Steve chooses.
The situation does indeed suck but the graphics on the guitar, not to mention the pickguard, are amazing. Serious artwork. :rock:
I hope everything ends well. :thumbsup:
Damn was just going to post happy NGD! but then read through the rest of the thread, I would be pissed off too ugh, sorry to hear man!
sah5150":34kqlkr4 said:
Man do I feel stupid...
No reason for that purchased it in good faith that it was represented truthfully to you. Somebody in the chain lied and you were simply at the end of it. Good luck with whatever decision you make :thumbsup:
sah5150":rj8d6hn1 said:
Well now... a bit of an update...

It appears that a previous poster is correct and that this guitar was not new, but was owned by him and also, was returned due to issues...

On closer inspection, I find that the neck angle is off by about 1/16" (the strings get closer to the edge of the fretboard on the treble side as you move up to the higher frets and get further away on the bass side). This doesn't appear to affect tuning or playability, but it's definitely visible and is a clear defect... also there are some big "dots/blotches" in the metallic black paint, but that doesn't really bother me.

Scott from Rainbow just emailed and said when he read this thread that he was sickened because this was not the info he got from FMIC. One way or another I was sold an untrue story...

To say that I feel taken advantage of here is an understatement. No way I should have paid this much for a used guitar that is a second to boot. I don't want to return it because I really dig it even with the flaws, but there is no way I should have paid $3867 for it...

I wrote back to Scot expressing this and I'm waiting to get more info from the original owner who has documented the issues, has the original receipt, hang tag, pictures and correspondence with the original dealer and Charvel...

Man do I feel stupid...

Anyway... please let's not speculate in this thread about who is to blame here or denigrate anyone. Scott at Rainbow and I are in contact and will speak later today. I will update everyone (who cares anyway... :) ) as this situation develops...

Steve I was the one who emailed Scott with this thread the other day or so, that's where he found out. I trust that Rainbow will of course do the right thing, whatever that may be.
Hope it helped.

All's well that ends well. As I said the neck issue was an easy fix... And I received a call from the owner of Rainbow Guitars (Harvey Moltz) today who clarified some of the points that Scott (the sales guy I spoke with Saturday) made and he also made things right for the original story I received about the guitar being incorrect. Harvey listened to me patiently and took action to resolve the issue. I'm totally satisfied with the guitar (which I'm keeping, of course) and the transaction and based on my experience would not hesitate to deal with Rainbow Guitars again. :rock:

sah5150":23ityebd said:

All's well that ends well. As I said the neck issue was an easy fix... And I received a call from the owner of Rainbow Guitars (Harvey Moltz) today who clarified some of the points that Scott (the sales guy I spoke with Saturday) made and he also made things right for the original story I received about the guitar being incorrect. Harvey listened to me patiently and took action to resolve the issue. I'm totally satisfied with the guitar (which I'm keeping, of course) and the transaction and based on my experience would not hesitate to deal with Rainbow Guitars again. :rock:
Good to hear and that guitar is sick as all hell!
It's great to hear everything worked out. Amazing guitar!
Great to hear all's well and taken care of in the most professional manner!
SFW":oicvu0nd said:
Killer looking guitar, Steve! Congrats!
Thanks dude! Now that I have the neck angle thing fixed, the thing is just a great player. I had a '06 Charvel Custom Shop Solar Pointy and for whatever reason, I did not dig the neck at all, but this guitar plays incredible to me. Love the Duncan Custom as well!
