awesome! have you played other EBMMs to compare the neck? thoughts on the pickups? The prices on these are all over the place. GAS induced!!
I've only played the JP model in stores but it's been a while. But the neck feels great, it's smooth and really comfortable to play. The nut is a little wider than most at 1" 11/16", but where most necks get wider as you move up the fretboard, I don't think this one does. It feels thinner (from 1st string to 6th) up around the 12th than all my other guitars, it's a little different but feels great.
I just did a setup and played for about an hour. It's a ripping guitar. I was able to get the strings so close with zero buzz that it felt too low, that's rare for me as I love it low. I had to raise it up a little so I could better grip the strings, never had that on any guitar.
I did a cleanup and put some F-One oil on the fretboard and man, really pops after that. It's a good honeymoon so far.
I'd call the pickups rich, a little on the warm side. But powerful enough for me, not sure what they're rated at as far as power. Definitely a full sounding pickup. I'd say more rounded and no sharp edges. These sound amazing clean. I have 2 drawers full of pickups, I'm always trying things out so I'm sure at some point I'll try something else that has a little more edge and bite to them.
I was close to buying a used Honey suckle colored one, but the discount I got on this new one, I just went with it. This is a well built guitar, nothing cheap feeling about it.