NOS 12AX7's in a Mesa mark IV Preferences?



Well-known member
So I got my mark IV back from mesa and all of the issues were addressed, but they sent it back with JJ's and a Tungsol RI in the PI
Not my favorite tubes.
before I pull the chassis out and start tube rolling I'm wondering if people with experience have seen 'what works great , what doesn't"

I have these all available to me and these are my thoughts ( all NOS)
V1: I have a nice Mullard and an RCA 1950s long black plate square getter 2 very different tubes
V2: Amperex, Tungstram, RFT
V3: RFT , long plate GE
V4 ?
PI Sovtek LPS or Tungstram?

I also have a couple of early 2000 Sovtek 12AX7's, long plate GE's
a bunch of the desired 12AX7B square getter Chinese ( which I like gain wise but they are kindof flat sounding to me)
JJ's from the early 2000's and new Tungsols , new Mullards and EHX

I know the standard response is "you need to try them" I'm just curious if anyone has had experience with any of
these tubes that really excel in certain positions , for instance the Sovtek LPS is a PI favorite,
the Mullard will be great in V1 bit I've also read that people like the RCA in V1 as well for different reasons.
Mullard in V3/V4? I have 2 good ones
or should I just load it up with the Chinese 12AX7B's and forget about it
Square getter Chinese 12ax7s.
Just for curiosity I rolled an old EI, old Sylvania and square getter Chinese.

The EI was brighter and less low mids.

The Sylvanias focus was in the low low mids and the Chinese had a focus in the low mid where the girth sits.

Was pretty interesting test.

This was in v1 of a Fortin Meshuggah.
Following. I got my Mark IV back recently and it seems to be a little more polite now, like it's lost some aggression. I'm assuming it has less to do with whatever caps they replaced and more to do with the complete pre/power tube replacement. I need to throw the old preamp tubes back in and see if some of the magic is back.
I had just had a chance to fire this up for a bit right now I do not know what is in V1, I have to pull the chassis
but V2 JJ
V3/4 are Chinese 12ax7B's
PI is a Tungsol RI
right now this thing sounds pretty killer........................... but
when I sent it out to Mesa it had
V1 Mullard NOS (real nice one too :( )
v2 JJ
V3 RFT (again a real nice strong one)
V4 Chinese 12AX7B
PI Sovtek LPS
Mesa did not return these to me, still waiting to hear what they are going to do about it.
I feel like it had a "chewier" tone if that makes any sense ,thicker , it was a bit more "liquidy" more character.
I like these 12AX7B's , they are reliable and very gainy, but kind of character-less
I had just had a chance to fire this up for a bit right now I do not know what is in V1, I have to pull the chassis
but V2 JJ
V3/4 are Chinese 12ax7B's
PI is a Tungsol RI
right now this thing sounds pretty killer........................... but
when I sent it out to Mesa it had
V1 Mullard NOS (real nice one too :( )
v2 JJ
V3 RFT (again a real nice strong one)
V4 Chinese 12AX7B
PI Sovtek LPS
Mesa did not return these to me, still waiting to hear what they are going to do about it.
I feel like it had a "chewier" tone if that makes any sense ,thicker , it was a bit more "liquidy" more character.
I like these 12AX7B's , they are reliable and very gainy, but kind of character-less
I have found the LPS better than Tung Sol in the PI.

Crazy they didn't send the tubes back.
In V1 I’d like the Tungsram or RFT best of those (the ‘50’s versions of both are much better bet). I’d like the Chinese a lot too. My personal favorites are the French made ECC83’s, Tesla E83CC and chrome plated made in Spain ECC83’s (especially for leads). For something a bit lower gain I also love the Brazilian and Korean 12AX7’s. Of course there’s still no way around just trying them and seeing what your ears prefer
I use an RFT in V1. Been using them in that position for years. When I sent mine in Mike B. actually commented on how good that sounded in V1.
So I got my mark IV back from mesa and all of the issues were addressed, but they sent it back with JJ's and a Tungsol RI in the PI
Not my favorite tubes.
before I pull the chassis out and start tube rolling I'm wondering if people with experience have seen 'what works great , what doesn't"

I have these all available to me and these are my thoughts ( all NOS)
V1: I have a nice Mullard and an RCA 1950s long black plate square getter 2 very different tubes
V2: Amperex, Tungstram, RFT
V3: RFT , long plate GE
V4 ?
PI Sovtek LPS or Tungstram?

I also have a couple of early 2000 Sovtek 12AX7's, long plate GE's
a bunch of the desired 12AX7B square getter Chinese ( which I like gain wise but they are kindof flat sounding to me)
JJ's from the early 2000's and new Tungsols , new Mullards and EHX

I know the standard response is "you need to try them" I'm just curious if anyone has had experience with any of
these tubes that really excel in certain positions , for instance the Sovtek LPS is a PI favorite,
the Mullard will be great in V1 bit I've also read that people like the RCA in V1 as well for different reasons.
Mullard in V3/V4? I have 2 good ones
or should I just load it up with the Chinese 12AX7B's and forget about it
Are you saying that you sent it to them with NOS, and they returned it with JJ's?
Mesa used the chinese 12ax7B square getter throughout the 90ies and probably 80ies too. So that`s the tube, the amps designed around. I know NOS long plate tubes like Ei or Telefunken work very well in the PI position of old Marshall amps.
I never heard a Mk IV with NOS glass, but they already have a gorgeous Fenderish clean, and I can imagine that RCA sounding great in which ever tube spot is tasked to that channel in particular. Not sure how the Mk's preamp is laid out vs my Mesa Tremoverb, but in the TVerb that was V1.
JJ's worked good in my MV. Quiet and reliable..

I used EI's at one point in my TriAxis and it was good.. But at times it would start to howl out of nowhere.! Weed out the microphonic 1 for V1.. :giggle:

Here's the TriAxis with all EI's on the 2C+ mode from like 1999...

That is strange that they replaced your preamp tubes when it sounds like you did not ask them to do that. I would definitely call them if I could or email and get the details. I'd want those back regardless, even if I ask to put in new ones.
I have called several times they "are looking into it"