NOS tubes in a diezel vh4 - opinions needed!

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Hi all! Recently my Diezel Vh4 had the issue where all the lights flash....per peter's suggestion, i had it taken care of by a trusted amp tech in the area who replaced the midi chip, caps and installed JJ KT77 (from teh valve queen) per Peter's instruction. In addition, he found 4 faulty preamp tubes (they were chinese, i believe ruby) and replaced with sylvania NOS tubes....all fires up fine...the cleans sound great, ch2 okay, but ch3 is missing the "edge" it had...i don't know how else to describe just doesnt sound like the vh4 i had before the tubes and midi chip blew.....any thoughts?????
I would say that change would be because of the preamp tubes. I did not notice a "huge" difference in tone with changing power tubes... there was a difference, but more so when I was playing around with preamp tubes. Then again, I could be an idiot haha! The Ruby's that are recommended by Diezel are the ones I use and for me sounded best.

I am sure Peter will chime in with more information soon ;)
cool, looking forward to hearing what everybody (and peter) have to say! I wouldn't mind switching out the NOS and putting them in my ccv or something....
I'd also like to point out that chinese valves are typically some of the most reliable on the market today, and the fact that Diezels run VERY high preamp B+ voltages is enough to greatly reduce their lifespan, so I wouldn't be inclined to think that their failure was an exclusive result of being chinese made.

Channel 3 is missing the edge likely because you replaced the higher gain Ruby valve with a lower gain vintage tube. Vintage preamp valves are generally not the best option for high gain applications, and I generally recommend Shuguang 9th Gen or JJ ECC83S for high gain amps, because they have higher gain, more robust response and presence, and are lower in microphonics than many NOS tubes.
Yep. Chinese/Shuguang 12AX7B or C preamps throughout the whole preamp section, and a phat quad of KT77s. If you wanna try some Gold Lions, I am sure you won't be disappointed but it sounds as though you've already splashed for the new bottles (talking the new power valves here, not the preamps).

Uncle Mo
The amps are designed with the 12AX7-C.
Important is to get high grade non micro phonic
tubes for V1 and V2.
LoL ,here we go .I spent a year with my Einy..I know not a VH-4 doing the tube thing.For my tastes hehe I went with NOS dimple top EL-34 and new tung -Sol pres.The chinease have a hair more gain,but to me don't sound musical.But what do I know I'm an old fart and still prefer El-34's. :thumbsup: