Nova System make popping sound when changing patches -solved

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New member
Hey guys,

I already posted this problem on a German language site but didn't get any help there, so maybe you guys know a solution?

My setup is pretty straightforward: Gibson Les Paul with EMGs -> VH 4 with a TC Electronic Nova System in the serial loop. I use a very low gain setting on the clean and moderate settings (noon-ish) on CH 3 and 4, balancing the channel volumes so that they're basically equal. I switch patches with a Tech 21 MIDI Moose -> Nova System MIDI In -> MIDI Through -> VH 4 MIDI In

Now my problem: When switching from a clean sound, usually with compression, chorus and a tiny bit of delay or reverb to a dirty sound with or without some delay I get this huge popping sound that's pretty annoying. It basically sounds like when you pull the cable from the guitar while playing on CH 3 or 4. With the Nova System off (true bypass looper) the switching is perfectly noiseless so the problem has to be the combination of the Nova + VH 4.

My guess is the issue is caused by a difference in switching speed between the Nova and the amp. Particularly, I think the VH 4 switches to a distorted channel before the Nova System changes patches from "clean with compression and chorus" to "just delay". Thus screwing with the levels for a tenth of a second.

Am I at least on the right track here? If so, how can I resolve the issue? I have changed the MIDI connection order around and it didn't help. Are there devices that let you set a MIDI-Delay to force the amp to switch a teeny bit later?

Or am I completely wrong and there's a totally different cause for this problem?

Thanks for the help in advance!

Yes, there are devices that can be set to have a small delay in sending MIDI messages. Also some FX-units are able to do this. However, I do not think that is your problem. Instead I think there is some static DC voltage building in the signal chain (inputs & outputs of your equipment in FX-loop). One way to solve this is to solder suitable resistors to the loop to bleed the DC, but this is better to confirm with Meister Peter himself before taking any action.
Something seems to discharge in the signal chain.
something similar did my tc g force...i was unnable of fix it, so i sold the tc..., g majors doesnt do the click issue.....

Vielen Dank für das Input Peter. Ich sag jetzt einfach mal "Du", ich bin übrigens Till. Sehr angenehm :)

Hmm, an sowas habe ich nun gar nicht gedacht...wie kann ich denn da Abhilfe schaffen? In meinem Signalweg vor dem Amp ist noch ein Morley Wah und ein TC Polytune. Im seriellen Loop hängt nur das Nova System und, wie gesagt, der True Bypass Looper, um das Effektgerät bei Bedarf komplett aus dem Signalweg zu nehmen.

Also, was könnte ich denn probieren, um der Lage wieder Herr zu werden? Bin morgen Abend wieder im Proberaum. Würde es helfen, wenn ich davon mal ein Video mit meinem Telefon mache?

Vielen Dank schonmal für die Hilfe!

For those of you who wonder what I've been talking about: I basically just asked how I could get rid of the problem :D


BERNI":2xrr4t7v said:
something similar did my tc g force...i was unnable of fix it, so i sold the tc..., g majors doesnt do the click issue.....


Duh! That's shocking. The thing is that I've been playing with this setup for two and a half years now without noticing it. I just recently took my rig back home for practicing and writing new patches for the upcoming shows. And while I was experimenting wearing headphones (at home I play the VH 4 through a Two Notes Torpedo VB-101) I noticed this sound every time I switched from clean to dirty. Now it drives me nuts and to my ears it pretty much renders the whole setup virtually useless. Now I have to come up with a solution before a very important show in March and I already hate the thought of having to dish out hundreds of bucks for a new effects processor + MIDI controller.

Ugh... :doh:

i.ak":1ee9hz73 said:
Yes, there are devices that can be set to have a small delay in sending MIDI messages. Also some FX-units are able to do this. However, I do not think that is your problem. Instead I think there is some static DC voltage building in the signal chain (inputs & outputs of your equipment in FX-loop). One way to solve this is to solder suitable resistors to the loop to bleed the DC, but this is better to confirm with Meister Peter himself before taking any action.

Thanks for the input i.ak! Let's see what Mr. Diezel has to say to this. Ok, and now I'll stop spamming this thread for tonight...

Hallo Till,

schicke doch eine Email an peterdiezel ( at) diezelamplification (dot) com
und wir telefonieren heute mal.

Beste Grüße,
hi till,

perhaps the compressor is the culprit since it amplifies all noises.

try this: deactivate the compressor in the clean nova patch and save. now switch from clean to crunch modes and hear if the popping stopped.

if yes the compressor is the culprit. a solution could be to deactivate the comp in the clean nova patch and use an additional compressor in the clean channel only (clean insert loop on vh4 that get switched by the vh4 itself).

best, christian
Yes, it was the compressor! Left it off and there was no popping! Thanks for the help everyone, including Mr. Diezel who I called today.


if you need a comp in the clean channel try the method with the channel's fx insert, since it is switched along with the amp's channel (all vh4 side)
Thank you, I'll do that! Just ordered a compressor from a big German online store.

Greetings aus Halle ;-)
