Okay, who has an ENGL preamp?

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so, that Rammstien Keine Lust video has me thinking I need an ENGL to round out my Recto tone.

I was looking athe the 530 Preamp. It is the only half way affordable one for me at the moment.

Anybody used one? They any good? What can I expect from this piece?

I checked the clips at DerrikB's site and the clip sounded pretty good. But it said the unit was run into the return of another ENGL head... So, how much of that tone is the power section of the head?

BTW, I don't really care about cleans. Just crushing Metulz tonez.

If I could come up with a mix of Rammstien and Machine Head... I'd be in Tone Heaven.
I've never played one, but I've heard they have a little less gain than the Blackmore, and can't get SUPER heavy. :ka:
vultures":ad98f said:
I never hear any word on them.

The E 530 looks cheap enough so that if I bought it and hated it, I wouldn't regret it. The E 570 looks pretty decent, is it worth the price? It says it covers so many tones that it seems like it wouldn't be good at all of them just be mediocre.

I'm looking to get a real thick/heavy tone out of it, stuff suitable for death metal.

DerekB":ad98f said:

The E570 is absoutely amazing sounding and if your looking for a real thicjk heavy tone suitabe for Death Metal look no further but that hardly all it does and it has lot's of orher great tones you can dial in as well . I have not spent nearly as much time with Engl rack gear as I have with the heads but in the time I have spent with them they were extremely impressive especially when paired up with VHT power amps. I only played 1 Engl Power amp which was the new 850/100 and I only got to play with it a very short time testing it before having to ship it out but the mofo was kickass as well.

Heres a clip which was recorded direct by Mike Gilbert from Severed Savior.


Derek 8)

vultures":ad98f said:
Wow the tone from the E570 was wayyy better than anything I expected. Mike layed it on reallly thick, just the way I love it. Can I expect the same kind of tone out of a E530?

DerekB":ad98f said:

Amd that was just a direct recording which IMO is not nearly as killer sounding as when it's mic'd up with a cab.

The E530 is not as rich and thick as the E570 but it has a killer tone as well with less low end and gain on tap but still a good amount when paired up with a good power amp. It is overalll a bit tighter and a bit more present sounding.


That's from my old topic about it, I really wanted to get one, but never had the funds to follow through. Hope any of the info/clips help!
bump-widda-bump de dang ga dang diddy...

For Monday morning and all the guys getting home from NAMM.
Check out the Primal Fear live DVD they have, both guitar players are using the E530 in their live racks. Live tone is pretty killer, not sure if it will be able to do the Rammstein / Machine Head stuff though.