Indeed they all vary. One thing to always check is, make sure all the screws are tight inside the cab. Years of pounding volume esp on vintage cabs takes a toll. I now have 2 cabs with 80s Marshall Vintages in them; both 800 cabs, one from 82 and the other 89. Both are great but one is a bit thicker vs the other snappier/brighter. Both are slants.
I have two right now, one from '86 with vented '86 G12T75's and the other in that '92 6960 cab (same dimensions anyway) with '92 G12T75's (more modern white sticker style). They sound extremely different, and I definitely prefer the vented G12T75's for the rolled off high end that makes them feel a lot thicker and fuller overall at the same amp settings.
I think with Marshall cabs in particular, the pretty drastic changes in the G12T75's and going further back, some of the cabs even up to 1990 had G12M70's, G12-65s, G12-80s, and so on. I think it's pretty commonly known that V30's have a lot of subtle version changes that sound different depending on the year right - the same is true of G12T75's. I always surprises me that people acknowledge that "old V30's sound different" but then will turn around and say "G12T75's suck" without understanding that they are so different. I have to blame youtube a little, I've seen quite a few V30 vs T75 comparison videos and it's always newer stuff (within the last 3-5 years) being compared. I know you know this stuff already because you say it in the video I'm just ranting at this point haha.
Anyway I'm off on a tangent, great video. I prefer the old cab in this video but I'll admit I didn't hate the new cab as much as I expected to. It doesn't have the same low end but the aggressive hair on it... I could definitely see a situation where I would want that kind of sound or might layer it with the other cab for example when double tracking. Super cool.
For what it’s worth and anyone interested, Erik rutans jcm 900/GT 75 loaded cab is about the best sounding 75 loaded cab I’ve ever heard. It is freakin amazing sounding. He made IR’s of it with two notes, so you can try it out if you have wall of sound. I was pretty blown away, sounded absolutely incredible. As does his jcm 800 V30 loaded cabinet.
Earlier this year, I set up a KHE rig with 16 heads and 8 big learning was: switching the speaker cab made a way bigger difference tonally than switching the amp head.
Earlier this year, I set up a KHE rig with 16 heads and 8 big learning was: switching the speaker cab made a way bigger difference tonally than switching the amp head.
Earlier this year, I set up a KHE rig with 16 heads and 8 big learning was: switching the speaker cab made a way bigger difference tonally than switching the amp head.