Old Peavey 4x12 Cab - worth it or not worth the bother?

It depends - do you not already have a 4x12? If you don't have one, yeah if you replace the speakers i'm sure it would sound badass.

Especially if you already have a quad of speakers, or have speakers in mind to replace the sheffields (which I dont care what anyone says, are fucking terrible unless you're playing swedish death metal with an hm2)

If you already have a 4x12 though, and don't have a need for a new cabinet, i don't understand why it would be worth all the time and effort though
Those MS412 cabs are tanks. Worth $150 if the money is burning a hole in your pocket for a decent speaker. Or, if you have some old Celestion 75s laying around or whatever then load up. They are front mounted speakers though.
My friend still has that cab from the 90's. It sounds like muffled shit, but is a solidly constructed cab. A speaker replacement would do it well. Even dropping in some cheap Celestion 70/80's would be an improvement.

If you already have a quad of speakers or can get some on the cheap $150 is worth it. Otherwise it's not really worth the investment.
Those cabs are indeed tanks. Funny thing is those Sheffield 1290's that are in that cab are actually my favorite speakers. I don't however particularly like them in those front loaded cabs. They sound killer to me in my old rear loaded VTM cabs or my old Emperor cabs.
Bring your amp and test it out. You might like it.
I still have and use mine. The SHeffield 1290 is kinda in the "GT-75" ballpark, soundwise. If thy don't have voice coil rub I would suggest playig them a bit before yanking them for something else. You might like them. Listen with your ears, not with your eyes looking at the brand name. Just take it easy on the presence, trble, and bright switch.