Oldschool HH V800 replacement found in 1u lightweight amp

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I had a chat with Rob and Dave at Tone Merchants during the week, they have tried the GT800FX up against an old school HH V800 in AB testing to see if it could be used as a replacement for guitarists not wishing to carry heavy 4u amps anymore.

Their findings were very positive for any body wanting to play a wet/dry/wet system without weightlifting.

Therefore if you want to buy an 800 watt amp, have a chat with Rob and save your back :)
MatrixAmplification":2nozujex said:
I had a chat with Rob and Dave at Tone Merchants during the week, they have tried the GT800FX up against an old school HH V800 in AB testing to see if it could be used as a replacement for guitarists not wishing to carry heavy 4u amps anymore.

Their findings were very positive for any body wanting to play a without weightlifting.

Therefore if you want to buy an 800 watt amp, have a chat with Rob and save your back :)

I am looking at a wet/dry/wet system. How do I connect (2) or (4) 4 x 12 cabs that are 16 omhs each with your poweramp?
Doubleneck":2i66svdt said:
MatrixAmplification":2i66svdt said:
I had a chat with Rob and Dave at Tone Merchants during the week, they have tried the GT800FX up against an old school HH V800 in AB testing to see if it could be used as a replacement for guitarists not wishing to carry heavy 4u amps anymore.

Their findings were very positive for any body wanting to play a without weightlifting.

Therefore if you want to buy an 800 watt amp, have a chat with Rob and save your back :)

I am looking at a wet/dry/wet system. How do I connect (2) or (4) 4 x 12 cabs that are 16 omhs each with your poweramp?

Hi there, its best to think of it at two monoblock amps. There are a 2 inputs which both have a combined jack/xlr connector and two outputs which both have a combined speakon/jack connector.

The amp will output approx 120 watts ( rms ) per channel into a 16ohm load.
If you double up put two 4x12 cabs per channel, in parallel, the amp will output 260 watts per channel into an 8ohm load.

If you really want to achieve max power the amp will drive 400 watts per channel into a 4 ohm load ( but you would need to rewire your cab to make it 4 ohm) , if your drivers will handle that much power without doing damage.

I have a PA customer that has put a switch on the back of their cabs so that can convert from 4 ohm to 16 ohm with a quick flick.

If I have not answered your question properly, or you would like to talk in more depth, please feel free to shoot me your phone number and I will give you a call.

My best regards
Doubleneck":wzf9c7g5 said:
MatrixAmplification":wzf9c7g5 said:
I had a chat with Rob and Dave at Tone Merchants during the week, they have tried the GT800FX up against an old school HH V800 in AB testing to see if it could be used as a replacement for guitarists not wishing to carry heavy 4u amps anymore.

Their findings were very positive for any body wanting to play a without weightlifting.

Therefore if you want to buy an 800 watt amp, have a chat with Rob and save your back :)

I am looking at a wet/dry/wet system. How do I connect (2) or (4) 4 x 12 cabs that are 16 omhs each with your poweramp?

the Matrix is pretty much the same spec per ohm as the HH, so you'd hook things up in the same way.

Hooking cabs up in parallell isnt the easyest - but for 2 16 Ohm cabs thats the way forwards Ida say. run the amp bridged and the Cabs in parallell and your driving 800W into an 8 Ohm load. The other way would be to re-wire the cabs to a 4 Ohm config, and run them series to give the same load, so the same power. Alternatively - once configured, you can run the amp in dual mono, or stereo mode with one cab per output - giving a 4 Ohm load per output - so feeding each cab with 400W.

For 4 Cabs it gets more difficult. Id run the Matrix in Dual Mono - giving 400W into 4 Ohms or 250 Into 8. Id re-wire the cabs to a 4 Ohm configuration, and run two pairs in series (the easiest method). That means 1 input to the AMP, two outputs, one to each pair of cabs. Load Load would be 8 Ohms per pair - so 250W to each pair of speakers.
psychodave":34ebjqjg said:
So how much is the power amp?

Also, do you have any clips showing your product up against other power amps? I want to actually hear it and not base it on hearsay. :thumbsup:

Hi there,
If you are in the US Tone Merchants have the amp for sale at $699. Otherwise we are shipping worldwide, an amp we recently posted to Australia from England only took four days to arrive.

I have some clips loaded on the website at www.matrixguitaramplification.com but shall put a new thread in this section tonight with a load of videos in.

The Tone Merchants guys are going to have the Matrix on show at the LA Amp Show in a couple of weeks. If you can get there you will be able to have a play with it.

Many thanks.

psychodave":2thdbxjv said:
MatrixAmplification":2thdbxjv said:
psychodave":2thdbxjv said:
So how much is the power amp?

Also, do you have any clips showing your product up against other power amps? I want to actually hear it and not base it on hearsay. :thumbsup:

Hi there,
If you are in the US Tone Merchants have the amp for sale at $699. Otherwise we are shipping worldwide, an amp we recently posted to Australia from England only took four days to arrive.

I have some clips loaded on the website at http://www.matrixguitaramplification.com but shall put a new thread in this section tonight with a load of videos in.

The Tone Merchants guys are going to have the Matrix on show at the LA Amp Show in a couple of weeks. If you can get there you will be able to have a play with it.

Many thanks.


Thanks for the response. I would love to try one up against my HH V800. I typically use a wet-dry/dry/dry/wet-dry set-up with four 4x12's. My two center cabs are 100% dry and fed by my guitar amp. My two outside cabs are both dry, but have some wet mixed in ala reverb and delay. As you already know, the HH V800 is hard to beat and it creates massive head room when powering up a pair of 4x12's. The other thing that I like about the HH is that it adds a certain "depth" to the sound...as close to that tube sound as can be had. All other solid state power amps I've tried tend to sound up front and dry and lack a "musical" quality. I am interested if the Matrix unit captures this quality.

The output topologies between the two amps are the same. We are using a class AB output through fets. I look forward to your feedback.

Best regards
Bit of a sweeping statement that, and not entirely accurate.

While its initial purpose was aimed at the modelling market - in fact what it means is they took an existing PA, and put it in the hands of guitarists. The changes made for the GT was based on their feedback. Its not so much aimed at modellers, but at guitarists.

We all know the typical results of using SS Power amps with pre-amps, in W/D/W mix's or with modellers. The lack of 3d, lack of depth, shrill top, lack of give/feel end etc etc. These are the things that were tweeked with the GT to give a warmer tone with more give (so not quite what you'd need from an accurate PA amp). so while its true the envisaged market was for use with modellers - in fact its resulted in an amp capable of fullfilling other requirements typically neede by guitarists - including being a small, lightweight alternative for the HH in the title.

Anyway - as I was one of those guitarists giving the feedback, I hope the result is pleasing :)
psychodave":kj3sqkbo said:
paulmapp8306":kj3sqkbo said:
Bit of a sweeping statement that, and not entirely accurate.

While its initial purpose was aimed at the modelling market - in fact what it means is they took an existing PA, and put it in the hands of guitarists. The changes made for the GT was based on their feedback. Its not so much aimed at modellers, but at guitarists.

We all know the typical results of using SS Power amps with pre-amps, in W/D/W mix's or with modellers. The lack of 3d, lack of depth, shrill top, lack of give/feel end etc etc. These are the things that were tweeked with the GT to give a warmer tone with more give (so not quite what you'd need from an accurate PA amp). so while its true the envisaged market was for use with modellers - in fact its resulted in an amp capable of fullfilling other requirements typically neede by guitarists - including being a small, lightweight alternative for the HH in the title.

Anyway - as I was one of those guitarists giving the feedback, I hope the result is pleasing :)

Very cool. I'm interested in trying one out against my H&H V800. I honestly hope it sounds better so I can have something fresh and reliable, but I really don't have high expectations since I tried a lot of great SS power amps. Please don't take this as being smug, I just need more to back up the claims in the original post. ;)

So does anyone near me have a Matrix they can bring over :D

If I was near you I would be happy to bring one personally. Alas, I am the other side of the pond.
Where abouts are you within the States, I will see if I can help you finding someone local'ish.

My best regards
Hi there psychodave,
I have not heard back from anyone near Philly yet, therefore I think you owe yourself a well deserved vacation, for a couple of days. I hear the whether is going to be nice on west coast around the 1st and 2nd of October.

I think you might want to stay somewhere near here:

7277 Valjean Ave
Los Angeles, CA 91406

You will probably be able to find quite a few GT800FX's in the vicinity :)

Best regards
psychodave":3ujyxio3 said:
MatrixAmplification":3ujyxio3 said:
Hi there psychodave,
I have not heard back from anyone near Philly yet, therefore I think you owe yourself a well deserved vacation, for a couple of days. I hear the whether is going to be nice on west coast around the 1st and 2nd of October.

I think you might want to stay somewhere near here:

7277 Valjean Ave
Los Angeles, CA 91406

You will probably be able to find quite a few GT800FX's in the vicinity :)

Best regards

No can do...my wife is pregnant and due on Oct 15th. ;)

Congratulations :thumbsup:

I will keep an eye out for a gt800 near you.

My best regards
MatrixAmplification":1v37zm1e said:
psychodave":1v37zm1e said:
So how much is the power amp?

Also, do you have any clips showing your product up against other power amps? I want to actually hear it and not base it on hearsay. :thumbsup:

Hi there,
If you are in the US Tone Merchants have the amp for sale at $699. Otherwise we are shipping worldwide, an amp we recently posted to Australia from England only took four days to arrive.
I have some clips loaded on the website at http://www.matrixguitaramplification.com but shall put a new thread in this section tonight with a load of videos in.

The Tone Merchants guys are going to have the Matrix on show at the LA Amp Show in a couple of weeks. If you can get there you will be able to have a play with it.

Many thanks.


Yes it did and I love it still!!!
I just ordered one direct from Matrix. 1 rack space, 8 lb. and lot's of balls for a W/D configuration......had to have one. And, the price is right.
