Original IE4 FtSw (FS42) Not Working

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I just bought a hardly used original Egnater silver-face IE4 and when I got it yesterday, the footswitch would only work for channels one and two, while pressing the buttons for three and four would make the pre default to channel one (if it wasn't on channel 1).

Now when I turn it on today, the LEDs for channels 1 & 2 were both lit up. I hit the button for channel 1 and the LED for channel 1 lights up, but it does not switch. Now the footswitch does not work at all and only the LED for channel 1 lights up when you hit it (although it does not switch) and any other buttons just does nothing with no LED either (Ch 3 & 4 never had LED response). I have tried unplugging it, I unscrewed the the caps for both A & B that plugs into the back of the pre for the FW and the soldering looks good, no breakage or bad solder joints. My guess is maybe the A & B jacks on the pre itself?

Bruce, the previous owner e-mailed you at your AOL e-mail and forwarded what I sent to him to you.