Passive line splitter?

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Well-known member
Any recommendations on a cheap solution to be able to run a line out to two separate effects returns jacks on amps from a pedal?
Saturnworks has some options. On etsy and reverb. Wayne would probably fab you up something also.
Thanks guys, I ended up just getting a splitter cable because I realized the EVH SDE-3000 provides the stereo part and just needed anger connection.
@romanianreaper If you have an EVH SDE-3000, why do you need a splitter unit or cable at all? That thing has outputs for both stereo and WDW depending on how you set it, right?
@romanianreaper If you have an EVH SDE-3000, why do you need a splitter unit or cable at all? That thing has outputs for both stereo and WDW depending on how you set it, right?
Yeah I was thinking the same thing but one return goes back into the amp pedal (Friedman IR-X in this case) and one return goes back to the amp return on one of the combos.