PC amp simulation software?revalver/amplitube/guitar rig4?

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has anybody tried these amp simulation software? which ones are good for shred aka diezel/bogner/ENGL/splawn/friedman etc
I've actually been wondering this as well. Been thinking about trying one out....anyone have any input? :thumbsup:

Don't expect it to bring the Diezel/Friedman/etc stuff but-something at least passable.
anything by Ik seems to be the best and most stable, I have had everything that NI has made since 3 and it all crashed all the time on all platforms using PT, hated it
I use guitar rig 4 every now and then.It is very stable,never chrashed n my pc.The sounds are mediocre at best but what could one expect.With Amplitube i had many issues ,chrashed all the time.TH 2 is kinda fun.Tonewise they are pretty much at the same level but i thnk GR 4 has a friendlier interface.
how about revalver? and what kind of interface/soundcard do you recommend to use with guitar rig 4?
I tried all the ones you mentioned. The two I continue to use are Guitar Rig 4 and POD Farm 2.
I did not like Amplitube at all. Revalver is ok but the high gainers are buzzy as hell. I like the classic 30 on that one. If you don't have an interface yet check out the Line 6 UX 1 or UX 2. Good USB interface with no latency issues and they come loaded with cool software including POD Farm 1 and 2 and also the FX junkie package. POD farm 2 is cool because you can run dual amps in stereo. My favorite preset has the SLO and a JMP in stereo. :rock:
Guitar Rig 4 is pretty decent but the layout is not as nice as the drag and drop of the Pod Farm.
I have gear box gold, which I guess is pod farm2 now?? That was actually my favorite I forgot to mention that
Code001":29bxq144 said:
Here's an example of Guitar Rig 4 for leads. Stock patch. I just dipped the mids a bit:


You definitely need an interface though.

NICE :rock:

all you need is this dude and I would think I'd be listening to an old IM album

got given a UX1 for nothing....you might be able to pick one up one up dirt cheap......ive found thats the best thing to use for cheap until tech gets real good and affordable....but until things get better and more affordable thats my go to.