peavey triple xxx ?


New member
I figured id post this here in case anyone has any idea what is wrong with this thing
I have a XXX head purchased 12-29-06. Rehearsing last saturday it was fine, sunday by the 3rd tune the volume suddenly dropped severely, as if you turned the gain almost all the way down. It effects all 3 channels, they seem to crackle a little bit as well, the foot switch still works fine. I shut it down replaced the cords, guitar, speaker cable, it worked fine for about 5 minutes & did it again. I spoke w/peavey, replaced the PI tube, per their recommendations, a little while worked for about 5 minutes & the gain dropped off again. we typically rehearse together about once or twice a month so the head has been used maybe 5 or 6 times. any opinions???? We're supposed to record within the next few weeks also, so this is a real killer. thanks.
my guess is that it is still a tube. Take the new tube you bought and replace the tubes one at a time. Also for the hell of it pull out the power tubes and place them back in to make sure they are in all the way.
its strange for the problem to come & go...btw....all of the tubes are lit up. is it possible for one of them to heat up & sound weak?? maybe & re-tube & re-bias.
If they were not seated properly the volume can come and go like that. I had a set of the newer JJ tubes and the pins are skinnier than used to make them. the would wiggle free after about three hours of play and the volume would drop. Also would make a fuzzy sound when it happened.

Just to trouble shoot other things take all pedals out of the signal chain as well and see what happens.
thanks. ill try it tomorrow. the only thing i use is a wah once in the while & a delay in the loop. which are both un-plugged.
Even if you're not using the effects loop and line out on the back, turn all the knobs on the back completely up.
well. i re-seated all of the tubes....same shit. it surely seems like a tube problem...peavey said send it for service, but tubes aren't covered anyway. i wonder if i should order a new set to try first. i may try swapping some el34's out of a friends marshall tomorrow if i can get over there.
thanks for the ideas
vultures":3ff80 said:
Even if you're not using the effects loop and line out on the back, turn all the knobs on the back completely up.

yes i second that!

also it wouldn't hurt to send jerry p a PM. he may be able to help you out. he is kinda the peavey guru. well 5150's.....i dunno bout XXX's but it couldnt hurt.

yes i second that!

also it wouldn't hurt to send jerry p a PM. he may be able to help you out. he is kinda the peavey guru. well 5150's.....i dunno bout XXX's but it couldnt hurt.

Heres the update...I took a friend's set of El-34's out of a marshall, which i knew worked & the head did the same thing....i then replaced all 3 pre-amp tubes with 3 fairly new ones he had & the head was fine for a 2+ hour jam...maybe one of the pre-amp tubes was getting weird after it heated going to order a complete set of new tubes... the el-34's sound pretty damn killer!!!!!has anyone tried th kt-77's in the triple xxx??

thanks for the help
Same thing happened to my 2203 when I had it...turned out to be a pre tube.

EL-34's do sound pretty nice in a Triple XXX. I had a quad of KT-77's in mine when I sold it, and I thought they sounded great!
I'm about to switch to EL-34's in my XXX, When I bought it mine had 6L6's in it and I just don't think they're my groove. I'm just stuck between KT-77's and Ruby's. Drucifer's clips with KT-77's were nuts, check em out
I installed a full set of new ECC83S's & KT77's, from eurotubes, last weekend & they sound killer, still have the low-end, but tight as hell!!! it tamed the feedback a bit & its a hell of alot quieter when i stop playing & roll back the volume, almost silent. the stock tubes had a bit of i hiss to them. I Biased them to 39 ma, the dial on the head was way high...does anyone have any biasing opinions on the KT77's ..