Well-known member
About two months ago, I bought a Peavey VTM60 at one of the local pawn shops. I wish I had taken pictures of it, it literally looked like it had been rolled through a mud pit it was so dirty and nasty. There was so much dust and dirt on the inside, that I couldn't read any of the screen printed writing on the chassis and the power cord looked like it was going to fall out at any moment. But it was cheap enough, so I just took it home untested. Turned out it needed a cap job, which I did (a first for me) and fixed the power cord and all is good now. Played it a bit after the recap, and then put it on the amp shelf.
I've been on a "downsizing" kick here lately and decided to put it up for sale locally along with a few other amps that I hadn't really been giving much love to lately on FB Marketplace. With things the way they are with the economy right now, nobody was biting and everything is just sitting there. Crickets.
I had some alone time today while the wife was gone, so I decided to run a few amps today at volume. This included the "new to me" Dual Rec Multi-Watt I picked up the other day. All amps were run dry, no effects, etc. into the closest cab I had which was my Splawn straight cab loaded with UK Greenbacks. The guitar was my Warmoth build, chambered alder body/quilt maple top, mahogany neck with SS frets and a Dimarzio Super 3 in the bridge (IIRC). The Dual Rec sounded decent, but I don't think the GB's are what it needs/likes. Especially given that the Mesa cabs are usually running a quad of V30's. I'll have to run that one again with my other Splawn slant cab with V30's and Creambacks to maybe get a representation of what that amp can do. Next, I threw my 22 watt, fully loaded Splawn QR on the cab next and it sounded pretty darn good. With the Splawn being somewhat of a Marshall derivative, that was to be expected though with the GB cab. Then.... I decided to throw the VTM60 on there.
.....and I immediately took it off the Marketplace! Holy Cow, what was I thinking when I put that up for sale? It just goes to show that there are amps out there that absolutely kill, that are a fraction of the cost of some of these newer offerings. I almost hate to say it, but listening to the VTM back to back with the Mesa and the Splawn on that particular cabinet, it blew both of them away. At least to my ears (today).
Now I'm going to have to drag out my other two cabs, and start running all these heads through them to see what's up before I start trying to sell stuff all willy-nilly!
I've been on a "downsizing" kick here lately and decided to put it up for sale locally along with a few other amps that I hadn't really been giving much love to lately on FB Marketplace. With things the way they are with the economy right now, nobody was biting and everything is just sitting there. Crickets.
I had some alone time today while the wife was gone, so I decided to run a few amps today at volume. This included the "new to me" Dual Rec Multi-Watt I picked up the other day. All amps were run dry, no effects, etc. into the closest cab I had which was my Splawn straight cab loaded with UK Greenbacks. The guitar was my Warmoth build, chambered alder body/quilt maple top, mahogany neck with SS frets and a Dimarzio Super 3 in the bridge (IIRC). The Dual Rec sounded decent, but I don't think the GB's are what it needs/likes. Especially given that the Mesa cabs are usually running a quad of V30's. I'll have to run that one again with my other Splawn slant cab with V30's and Creambacks to maybe get a representation of what that amp can do. Next, I threw my 22 watt, fully loaded Splawn QR on the cab next and it sounded pretty darn good. With the Splawn being somewhat of a Marshall derivative, that was to be expected though with the GB cab. Then.... I decided to throw the VTM60 on there.
.....and I immediately took it off the Marketplace! Holy Cow, what was I thinking when I put that up for sale? It just goes to show that there are amps out there that absolutely kill, that are a fraction of the cost of some of these newer offerings. I almost hate to say it, but listening to the VTM back to back with the Mesa and the Splawn on that particular cabinet, it blew both of them away. At least to my ears (today).
Now I'm going to have to drag out my other two cabs, and start running all these heads through them to see what's up before I start trying to sell stuff all willy-nilly!