people slagging amps that can't play


Well-known member
Not gonna mention names just yet, but there has been a lot of shit-talking on HC and to a lesser extent on here from some people that just can't play very well at all, IMO.

So *x* thinks an amp sucks and posts that on the internet. I'm not saying you can't own whatever amp you want if you can afford it, but you simply can't get all the goods out of a lot of amps unless you can play at a certain level IMO (you know really advanced things like having *some* finger tone, bending in tune, some semblance of rhythm etc. ;) ). So some people's "opinions" on an amp sucking are ridiculous IMO.

If only there was some sort of requirement that you post your best clip of your playing if you want a "player rating" next to your avatar/name. You could specify style, and then once a given number of members vote on your playing, you'd get a rating. Ex: blues/rock 4.5 out of 10 or metal shred 7 out of 10 etc. Then you would have a much better idea of whose opinion you should be listeining to... and who's opinion you should completely ignore :gethim:

You could even have a tone rating too :idea:
Pffft, that aint nothin new bro.... I hear the most opinionated crap from people that cant tell the difference between a Blues scale and a bathroom scale.

Ive also heard people that couldnt bend in key/pitch to save their lives go on about tone and feel and I just cant take them or their opinions seriously.

Itll never change in this crazy subjective world of music and guitar playing that we all love...
I usually just take most of what I read with a grain of salt. There are people whos ears I trust that I've never heard a clip from, and people who's opinions that I trust but don't agree with that I have heard clips from, and then there's the people that I don't even bother reading there posts But very little of that is based on what I've heard from them. I'll probably get flamed, but I don't take much stock in what I hear from most 15 year olds posting regardless.
It would be cool if someone came up with a site like you're describing... :dunno:

I'm tired of listening to people bag on amps as well. But I doubt much would change if there was a website that had clip examples and player ratings. There'd still be flame wars.
Oh, I know its nothing new guys, give me some credit :lol:

But when someone's knocking a wide range of really high-end amps, it demands an old-school flaming from someone who could really dish it out. ...Thump? I know you're all professional these days, but its never a bad thing to let 'ol thumpzilla out of his cage once in awhile ;) hehe

I understand not liking certain amps, but when we're talking high-end amps from a lowmid to high mid voicing, medium gain to high gain and you can't play for shit? Just sayin' ;) If you can't get any of those amps to work for you its not the amps!

I do think the player/tone rating thing is a cool idea though. I would happily take my rating regardless of how low it'd be for suggesting such a thing :lol:
mseriously":2ee00 said:
It would be cool if someone came up with a site like you're describing... :dunno:

I'm tired of listening to people bag on amps as well. But I doubt much would change if there was a website that had clip examples and player ratings. There'd still be flame wars.

Of course, but if that was the system and you didn't post clips, well you wouldn't have much of a soapbox to rant from, right?
'63-Strat":cb8ab said:

Of course, but if that was the system and you didn't post clips, well you wouldn't have much of a soapbox to rant from, right?

Good point. It would point out the dick heads for sure. Not that I'm an amazing guitarist or anything...but the numbers wouldn't lie no matter what. As long as people rated honestly.

But I guess I was saying, there are always people that will rant...regardless of their ability to play. They'll find a soapbox to preach from.

But I see what you're saying. We'd be able to find the wolves amongst the sheep. Or vice versa?
'63-Strat":d779e said:

Of course, but if that was the system and you didn't post clips, well you wouldn't have much of a soapbox to rant from, right?

The problem then would be that I know of several people on here that are killer players, but they have either never posted a clip, or if/when they did it was so long ago, that no one knows about it. For instance Gainfreak has barely let anything of his out, and he's got chops from hell....

It would eventually become a constant contest IMHO.
I agree with this. But it's not only playing ability. If you're changing amps every other week, I don't care who you are, I'm not going to take your opinion on any amp.
Marshall Freak":31e59 said:

The problem then would be that I know of several people on here that are killer players, but they have either never posted a clip, or if/when they did it was so long ago, that no one knows about it. For instance Gainfreak has barely let anything of his out, and he's got chops from hell....

It would eventually become a constant contest IMHO.

Well, yeah. I see exactly what you're saying. But maybe to prevent people from giving people dishonest/unfair ratings out of spite etc. we could just agree to let someone that we agree is a fair judge (maybe one for each genre if necessary) and you'd just get a rating from them? I'm sure Ralph could produce one clip that would solidify his 10 rating anyways ;)
Digital Jams":6726c said:
Don't even get me started with guys judging guitars.................... :doh:

I think the player/genre/tone rating would help with that too though.

A gibson/fender fag like myself's opinion on a high-end ibanez is not as relevant to most prospective ibanez buyer's as one from a complete Ibanez fanboy who can shred his ass off, right? :lol:
ZielGuitarist":339d2 said:
I didnt realize you had to be a master of the intrument to know what sounds good or not.

If a person is going to compare amps by playing them, and can't play worth a shit they're not going to be able to hear many, if any of the subtle differences that can make or break an amp. I don't believe that tone is 100% in the fingers, but a persons playing makes up a LOT of their tone. EVH wouldn't be able to get VHII tones if he was playing through a Fender DRRI, but he would still sound like Eddie.
'63-Strat":1a3ed said:

I think the player/genre/tone rating would help with that too though.

A gibson/fender fag like myself's opinion on a high-end ibanez is not as relevant to most prospective ibanez buyer's as one from a complete Ibanez fanboy who can shred his ass off, right? :lol:

Well this is how I view it........

Any good guitar player that knows his way around one knows what a good one sounds like and one that does not. He also knows that the name on the headstock is not a lock that the guitar will sound awesome.

They should know what a long tenon is, what fretting out means. That an Ibanez just feels different than say a Jackson due to neck radius. One of the guys that I listen to for guitar advice is not a shredder but damn he knows his guitars and how they are put together.
That's true, but I'm presonally tired of hearing someone say "Oh this guy cant shred, what does he know?" Thankfully, I havent seen much of it since I left the HC forums last year, but this argument still gets under my skin. I cannot shred, and I dont pretend to have the ability, but I do not feel that I am someone who's opinion is not valid because of that fact. I dunno....bad mood + touchy subject for me = pointless rant.

+1 to what Digi said.
'63-Strat":5f8f6 said:
Not gonna mention names just yet, but there has been a lot of shit-talking on HC and to a lesser extent on here from some people that just can't play very well at all, IMO.

So *x* thinks an amp sucks and posts that on the internet. I'm not saying you can't own whatever amp you want if you can afford it, but you simply can't get all the goods out of a lot of amps unless you can play at a certain level IMO (you know really advanced things like having *some* finger tone, bending in tune, some semblance of rhythm etc. ;) ). So some people's "opinions" on an amp sucking are ridiculous IMO.

If only there was some sort of requirement that you post your best clip of your playing if you want a "player rating" next to your avatar/name. You could specify style, and then once a given number of members vote on your playing, you'd get a rating. Ex: blues/rock 4.5 out of 10 or metal shred 7 out of 10 etc. Then you would have a much better idea of whose opinion you should be listeining to... and who's opinion you should completely ignore :gethim:

You could even have a tone rating too :idea:

I think this is why a bunch of like minded individuals have gravitated to this board and not that mess on HCAF. I still go there for shits and giggles though.