Pickup for my cheap, token heavy axe

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So I'm more of a rock / Gibson guy but I picked up cheap and surprisingly nice playing Schecter recently. It's an older C1 blackjack with a JB in the bridge. It'll live in drop C or C# for when I feel the occasional need to chug.

Thinking of a pickup swap to something ceramic - hopefully to tighten up the low end and kick a bit more aggressively in the mids/upper mids.

Suggestions? A Duncan would be nice as they're much easier to get down under than anything even remotely boutique, but I'm open to suggestions. Will be used with a VH4 and Uberschall mostly.

Cheers :rock:
aside":20jmyqvv said:
So I'm more of a rock / Gibson guy but I picked up cheap and surprisingly nice playing Schecter recently. It's an older C1 blackjack with a JB in the bridge. It'll live in drop C or C# for when I feel the occasional need to chug.

Thinking of a pickup swap to something ceramic - hopefully to tighten up the low end and kick a bit more aggressively in the mids/upper mids.

Suggestions? A Duncan would be nice as they're much easier to get down under than anything even remotely boutique, but I'm open to suggestions. Will be used with a VH4 and Uberschall mostly.

Cheers :rock:

I really like the Black Winter and plain old Distrotion for these purposes. The SH5 Custom is very nice too.

If you want to go really modern, the Duncan Omega is my favorite bridge pickup of all the modern sounding offerings I've tried. Super clear and percussive, excellent note clarity, especially when tuned low.
Bad.Seed":2cr6by14 said:
I really like the Black Winter and plain old Distortion for these purposes. The SH5 Custom is very nice too.

If you want to go really modern, the Duncan Omega is my favorite bridge pickup of all the modern sounding offerings I've tried. Super clear and percussive, excellent note clarity, especially when tuned low.
This! The Distortion and Black Winter both meet your requirements. Never tried the Omega although I plan to one day.

Also, if you are in Australia you could try Mr Fabulous' Diablo set for hand wounds at the same price you'd pay for regular production models:
I have this pair in my own freakily amazing sounding Schecter and they are killer high outputs for detuning. They are my fave model of his.


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If you want chug then the Nazgul is your choice. Hands down, no question about it. It will indeed do all you mentioned better than anything else Duncan makes. That said, if you ever want to use that guitar for anything else then it will begin falling out of its element. Its not bad for other things but it doesn't shine like it does for the chug.

The Black Winters are absolutely fantastic pickups. They do everything well. They clean up and split well. They can handle heavy tones as well as cleans and in between. They are far more versatile than the pickup is/was initially marketed. The box art work is accurate for what they can do but they do far more than what the artwork portrays.

The Alpha & Omega set is a terrific set. They are clear and articulate. A very honest and telling pickup. Tight but not stiff and odd to work with. They feel and respond well and they deliver. Another amazing set but for ONLY THE CHUG....i bring you back to the Nazgul.

Pegasus / Sentient set is another option for you. A very good options, especially depending on a couple of variables in which it could be your best bet...maybe. :) The Nazgul is super good. The Pegasus is tight and not as high gain but it is a dream of a pickup if you are playing dream theater type precision stuff. It also really excels at the fast tremolo picking styles and staccato things. Alternate picking type things in heavy playing. If that style is what you play then you really need to give this pickup a shot. It is tight and clear and flavors things beautifully. The Sentient neck pickup is awesome for a neck pickup. It does everything you want a neck pickup to do.

All of the options I mentioned will get you there and be fine choices for you but if you are talking heavy hand down picking Low E Chug Chug Chug....again, Nazgul.

Good luck!
I'm not an EMG guy by any means, actually I hate them. That being said I put a "Het Set" in my old Aria Pro II LP copy and it sounds amazing. My buddy is endorsed by EMG and I got the set for less than 50% of retail is the only reason I tried them. I'm glad I did!
Awesome, cheers boys - that's all super helpful.

Lots to consider, might see what I can pickup used and try and few options until one gels.