New member
Hi guys,
What's the thought on this head? I am looking to get something different than what I already have, while not over-spending and also buying an amp that is on par with my 20 Ann Bogner Shiva and PWE Event Horizon.
My amps are both EL34.
I was searching for an amp that is a little different, maybe 6L6 or KT88s. I have been bouncing back and forth between the Mesa Boogie Electyradyne, Orange amps, Mesa Rectoverb and Randall RM series. However, I need to spend more time on the Tweaker series. I played em briefly and remember them sounding rather boutique, which I like.
My original band plays clean to semi clean, mid gain and some high gain. Trying to stay away from the ultra high gain these days so an amp has to be great in the low to mid gain areas. Cover band is 90s rock and grunge.
Any reliability issues?
What's the thought on this head? I am looking to get something different than what I already have, while not over-spending and also buying an amp that is on par with my 20 Ann Bogner Shiva and PWE Event Horizon.
My amps are both EL34.
I was searching for an amp that is a little different, maybe 6L6 or KT88s. I have been bouncing back and forth between the Mesa Boogie Electyradyne, Orange amps, Mesa Rectoverb and Randall RM series. However, I need to spend more time on the Tweaker series. I played em briefly and remember them sounding rather boutique, which I like.
My original band plays clean to semi clean, mid gain and some high gain. Trying to stay away from the ultra high gain these days so an amp has to be great in the low to mid gain areas. Cover band is 90s rock and grunge.
Any reliability issues?