Plexi Mode?

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I never really got into using Plexi mode on my 101b. Is there a difference between Plexi on the Red channel compared to the Plexi on the Blue Channel?

What do you guys like/dislike about Plexi mode on the Ecstasy?
It's nice to have. Scales back the compressed side of the gain ('least on the 20thA) and opens things up a bit, and with that, comes a very familiar kerrang. Not so much on the RED channel, most noticeable and usable on the BLUE - IMHO, YMMV.
I never use Plexi Mode. I'll have to crank it up next time.
I like the Plexi mode and it seems to sound best on the RED channel (they do sound slightly different, because the channels themselves are different). PLEXI mode removes V2 from the circuit as well as disables boost and structure functions (in the channel you are using). It obviously doesn't sound like a Plexi but I think it's cool for some classic rock type tones. Diming the presence helps as well....

I just LOVE my Ecstasy's, so many tones and so much fun playing thru it! :thumbsup:
Presence is a big part of the Bogner EQ circuit. Does a lot of things on all his amps it seems.

That said, ya, Plexi ON for higher volumes does get you into "plexi" territory, only with Reinholds infamous sag and mid range chew :yes:
The Plexi mode boosted on the 20th Ann. is glorious. I think it works best on the blue channel.
Does anyone have some "sweet spot" settings for the 101b? I notice everyone who has gotten favorable results mentions cranked, which I assume means diming the channel volume. That must make it practically unsuable in a live setting, but I can't wait to try it as soon as I get into a room big enough to risk going deaf. lol