Port City OS2x12/Egnater Mod50?

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I was thinking about picking up a PC OS2x12 cab. Has anyone tried one with their Mod50? If so how does it sound? What speakers sound the best for the T/D and VX modules? I've been hearing so many great things about these cabs lately.
I'm a fan. Right now I am using Texas Heat and Governor. I started with a BMan/SL2x. Currently I swap between D/D and VX. I just re-bought a BMan.

I think that the Port City has a very big and punchy sound. Not quite 4x12, but very good for a gig.

Just my .02
I don't really have experience with those. But the description sounds a bit like the Texas Hear. I think that mixing speakers is key to making the sound distinct. I am coming from an old 4x10 Deluxe as well Jensens on a modded RI Twin. I can say without a doubt that the rig I am running now is night and day better and sounds than either of those amps. Different. But much better.


Chris, Thanks for the help. I'll call Port City on Monday and ask their opinion on speakers. I have Blues which don't sound as good with the T/D but great with the VX. I also have a pair of Scumback H75 30 watters. I want a little more headroom for the Fender tones but don't want to lose the killer Vox tones.

I just bought a Egnater 2x12 this week but might take it back to GC if I can score the Port City.
Sounds good. The VX sound is hard to get from another speaker. I think the cone breakup of the blues contributes to that sound tremendously. With my current setup, I am not really loving the VX. I can get it to sound good clean with one eq. Good dirty with another. But I can't find a sweet spot for A and B. I feel the same way for BMan. D/D is easy. SL2X is also easy because I don't play heavy enough to use the B channel. But the overdrive on the VX is big. Really big.

I am sure that Port City can recommend a good combo for you. You might also want to look at Mojotone. I believe they make Egnater's OS cabinets.
That large front port is interesting. I played though a 412 cab at practice that had two speakers missing, so essentially it had two openings were the speakers would have been....almost like ports. Sounded HUGE! Has me thinking....
Have you tried the bogner OS 2X12??
From what ive heard, they are the best 2x12 hands down. Then again, the right speakers also helps in that equasion.
My Port City 2x12OS was far bigger sounding than my mesa OS4x12, so much so I sold it.

The Port City is room filling and responsive. takes a little more push to get the speakers distorting.

The OS is very similar in size to the Bogner OS.

Port City is also made by Mojotone.
richedie":x5bja58e said:
I have heard too many mixed things to take a chance.

I has never actually heard a negative about PC, what have you heard?
Don't take it the wrong way. I just have friends who have tried tham and said they were OK and others who sold them and moved on. One guy sold his OS212 and ended up with a Bogner 212. Again, most are positive reviews.