Possible Herbert Issue after Shipping



Active member
Hey fellas so i sold to herbert to someone through reverb and it SEEMED to arrive okay at first ...as he played it he said it's 'dropping in tone' and sent me this message....

'There’s definitely something wrong. Not only does the volume drop as you’re playing, the tone just dies and rings hallow, then comes back again. The clean also has very low volume. I’ve checked the master volume and the channel’s own volume, and it’s not that '

-any suggestions on what he should check out ?
So far he's saying all the tubes are glowing and seem to be seated well (course i had to tell him which were preamp and which were power 🤦🏼)
anyone know how to access the preamp tubes in a herbie ? (i've never done it and i obviously don't have it in front of me and the dude doesn't really 'know his way ' around an amp )
yeah could be i dunno the amp worked fine when it left , something obviously happed in shipping sending that behemoth of an amp lol ...(i knew shipping it wasn't a great idea lol )
It's always a risk. I have had the solder go bad from just sitting and temperature fluctuations. Many use non leaded solder which doesn't flex as much.
It's always a risk. I have had the solder go bad from just sitting and temperature fluctuations. Many use non leaded solder which doesn't flex as much.
makes sense ...this was his updated account of what's what ..

-Yes. It sounds perfect first 5-10 mins. Then sounds like it’s shorting. It crackles, volume drops, tone disappears and sounds like a tin can.-

i mean i SEEMS like a tube issue i can't imagine the amp functioning at full capacity if it was something else .🤷🏼‍♂️
There are a lot of reasons why this could happen ranging from dirty FX loop jacks to tubes/sockets to even bad solder joints that only break connection when it starts to warm up.
I’m going through a nightmare right now with my ultra plus…. I have done about everything I know to do except throw it in the trash. I’m about to that point. Started out with what you described with your amp.
I’m going through a nightmare right now with my ultra plus…. I have done about everything I know to do except throw it in the trash. I’m about to that point. Started out with what you described with your amp.
Did you clean the FX loop jacks? Peavey is notorious for this issue.

Did you retube it? Is it the 60 or 120?