Power Amp Insanity comparison video by Michael Toren.....16 different power amps

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Between Mike Toren and that Huge Racks Inc guy named The GrooveKing from Hawaii, those 2 guys probably have every piece of rack or music gear ever available or made. It's too bad that none of it is ever hooked up as a complete fully functional guitar rack system. It's just piles of gear shoved in a rack box to be shown off in videos/photos/etc.
Cool video. I wished he'd had played some palm-mutes to see how the poweramps handle the low-end of the chugs.
Great stuff. It confirms one thing for sure that there's still debate about (for some reason) - the power amp has a big impact on the overall tone of an amp or rig.

The Synergy 5050 for example produces 4-5db less low end compared to the VHT 2150, and a little less high end. Pretty significant difference.
Yep, some clear differences there. And like @ZEN Amps mentioned, I was surprised about how much I didn’t care for the Synergy poweramp. I wonder how the Synergy modules would sound with something like a VHT or Mesa amp driving the cabs. Vai certainly sounds great live with his Synergy Vai module / Fryette XLII rig after all.

It’s also worth mentioning that these videos never tell the full story though. Like I know that a VHT poweramp’s Presence and Depth controls have a ton of range, but you never hear demos showcasing that. Then again, you almost never hear poweramp comparison videos at all. :)
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