Preamptubes in VH4

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The Udo

New member
Hey guys!

Think it´s time to change both preamp and poweramp tubes. Got some rattling noise in the VH4 on last rehearsal. And the amp squeels like a pig :cry:
But I need help with what kind of preamp tubes to put in the monster. So gimmie!!! :D
Chinese high grades for the preamp and SED =C= EL34 for the power amp. Pure win :rock:
But what does Chinese highgrades mean? And what does every slot mean?
I depends also on what kind of sound do you want...

this.. from the Tube Town website, is wery helpful.. ... 0_NOS.html

... up on the site are adresses...
or here directly: ... rshall.pdf

but I´d like to know, what kind are TAD tubes( I have them in my VH4 ).. preamp and power amp too..
do anyone know if they are a bit similar to the TT-preamptubes or JJ preamptubes? Becouse of to know the comparesion between JJ, Electroharmonic or know the in the .pdf on adresses I showed above..

thnaks a lot..
As far as I know TAD tubes are the same type as the TT tubes.
Ok, if so, so they are meaned to modern sounding, aren´t they? So if I wanna a bit more vintage and not modern and dark sound, so I can try JJ preamptubes for V1 or other Vx in my preamp, am I right?
I am also thinking about trying KT88 in poeramp..I heared 6550 in there.. and not bad, but EL34 are much warmer, I don´t know, if the KT88 are same sounding like 6550..or can be something between EL34 and 6550, If the KT88 have same characteristic of the tone like 6550 but with more warmer tone, I´ll try them, becouse it could be nice tone for me.. :)

maybe KT88 could do better cleans with more headroom to, becouse of their big wattage power..
Yes, those chinese preamp tubes like TT are quite modern sounding. Check out the tubemap linked above ;)

I'm not too sure about KT88 in a VH4. I talked to Peter Stapfer about this and he told me he has tried them and found them too neutral and hard sounding. He recommended me trying out KT77 instead, which were great in his opinion. Due to the lack of money and me liking the SED =C= EL34 very much I haven't done any power tube experiments yet.
borkincz":2czjvr8y said:
I am also thinking about trying KT88 in poeramp..I heared 6550 in there.. and not bad, but EL34 are much warmer, I don´t know, if the KT88 are same sounding like 6550..or can be something between EL34 and 6550, If the KT88 have same characteristic of the tone like 6550 but with more warmer tone, I´ll try them, becouse it could be nice tone for me.. :)

maybe KT88 could do better cleans with more headroom to, becouse of their big wattage power..

kt88's didn't sound so good in my vh4. they don't seem to compliment the amp. i normally love kt88s. i have them in 4 amps (my '74 sunn model T, my '73 orange or120, my splawn pro mod, and my orange thunderverb 200). they sound incredibley good in all of these amps, but they were too harsh and "sci-fi" sounding in my vh4. i don't recommend them.

i used jj kt77s in my vh4 for quite a while with great results. they had a unique tone that fell between el43s and 6l6s. i've also had excellent results from both jj and sed=c= 6l6s, especially regarding cleans and headroom.