Price check on Marshall Vintage Modern 2466

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I'm shopping around for a 100 watt Marshall Vintage Modern for a mod project. I want to try Headfirst/Jason's improvement mods on it. I have my eye on a couple of listing, but not sure what the going rate is for them.

How often do these guys come up and what would you consider a fair price for one?
$1000-$1300. They aren't impossible to find. I sat on watching one for $1050 on CL and it was gone in less than a week. Kick myself. I wanted one for the same reason you do! LOL
I haven't seen any for sale in years.....locally and at the vendors I frequently scan.

Reverb has 10 on sale now but only one of those is a is $1200 irrc

Did you own one before? I heard some of the modded versions, and frankly preferred the stock version.
There is a 50W version in Buffalo, NY for $900 on FB marketplace. Pretty sure I saw one locally for $850 recently but can't find it now.
$1000-$1300. They aren't impossible to find. I sat on watching one for $1050 on CL and it was gone in less than a week. Kick myself. I wanted one for the same reason you do! LOL
Not sure I’d pay $1300 for one. It’s built like a DSL
Thanks guys.
GC had one that price dropped down to $900. From what y'all said, that seems fair so I went ahead and bought it. Bonus, it looks like the purple headshell version too. Fingers crossed now that it gets packed well enough to survive shipping. At least it doesn't have far to go. I'm in Louisiana and it's shipping from a store outside of Houston.
I think these sounds pretty good all things considered.

I'm interested in the headfirst mods
Did you own one before? I heard some of the modded versions, and frankly preferred the stock version.

I haven't owned one before. Of course I'll play it for a bit before I do anything. This is the mod I'm looking at doing. Nothing like a major overhaul, just bringing a few components more into JTM spec.

Here's a good video on the VM from @TotallyRadGuitars I came across when shopping around.

Couple things:

1) It is not a 2 channel amp. It is two amps in one switching mid not what is is designed to do.

2) It isn't a set everything at noon or 7, type of Marshall.

3) run detail 2 or 3 clicks higher than body.

4) I love the matching 425a cab with the g12c Hendrix speakers.

Hope the amp arrives in one piece and hope you enjoy it!
Couple things:

1) It is not a 2 channel amp. It is two amps in one switching mid not what is is designed to do.

2) It isn't a set everything at noon or 7, type of Marshall.

3) run detail 2 or 3 clicks higher than body.

4) I love the matching 425a cab with the g12c Hendrix speakers.

Hope the amp arrives in one piece and hope you enjoy it!

That's what I've gathered from watching a few videos on it. The VM came out around the same time as the JVM right? It makes me think it would have been more popular if people realized it needed to be treated more like an old school JTM 45/100. I think people were expecting it to be more like the JVM or at least a JCM800. Seems like a lot of the complaints about this amp stem from user error and people not really understanding what it was meant to be and how the controls work.

I forget what video it was, but it said something about when Steve Dawson designed the VM he imagined it as a what if Marshall decided to develop the JTM line instead of switching over to the Super Lead/JCM line. That's pretty much what I'm wanting and expecting from the VM. I have the high gain stuff covered pretty well already. Aside from my upcoming SonicTone amp purchase I'm wanting a couple of vintage style amps. I'm thinking the Vintage Modern and any tweaks I have planned is going to be a good start.
Shit, that was quick. Ordered the amp yesterday afternoon. Tracking already shows it loaded on the truck out for delivery